Praising the Lord for Woodstock

by Ken Ham on July 12, 2011

I am so thankful and do praise the Lord for the opportunity to speak to many thousands of people at First Baptist Church of Woodstock this past Sunday in the Atlanta area. Johnny Hunt is the senior pastor. Most of the resources we took were gone by the end of the day—people responded in an extremely positive way. As has been happening more and more, lots of children and young people came and told me how much the ministry of AiG and the Creation Museum meant to them.

Here are some photographs taken during the presentations I gave Sunday morning and evening:

AiG VBS Down Under

What a thrill it was to receive this report from a person who uses AiG Vacation Bible School (VBS) programs in Australia. They actually used the Operation Space program (produced a couple of years ago). Here is the report (I will also post the photos when I receive them):
I thought I’d like to update you on our phenomenally successful Operation Space VBS which concluded today. We have our huge Grand Finale in the morning for the parents to come and see their rooms that they worked in, view the children’s program in the church , hear songs and stories about Space and then finish with a luncheon for everyone.

We have worked for 10 months to make this VBS even better than the Amazon Jungle [also from AiG]. It was booked out with 135 children able to come and already have a waiting list for next year.

I will send photos soon of the rooms ... they were just amazing ... we would have had hundreds of beautiful stars purchased before Christmas and amazing decorations as well including galaxies, Milky Way (made with Milky Way candy bars hanging from the ceiling and the children; during Bible competitions , children got to take a bar from the Milky Way if their team won!)

The whole week was done so professionally this year and everyone were just “blown away “ by how incredible it all was. We had visitors from as far away as Toowoomba in Queensland to come and check it out . The town is abuzz amongst the Christians about how brilliant it was. Our Children’s Ministry leader from our church came and will promote it Australia-wide.

I have never been so exhausted in my life but it has been all worth it for the children we will see in the Kingdom because of this program.

One group from our church are going to do missionary work in Vanuatu [an island in the South Pacific] next week and the teachers going will do the B.A.S.I.C. lesson program whilst there as it is still fresh in their minds.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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