Overflow Crowds in Milwaukee!

by Ken Ham on January 31, 2011

What a thrill to see such interest in the AiG conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at Brookside Baptist church. On Sunday morning, 1,700 people attended when normally 900 turn out for the Sunday services. On Sunday evening, the auditorium filled, the overflow room for 500 people filled, three more overflow rooms were packed, and people stood in the lobby. Here are some photographs:

Part of the main auditorium

Part of one of the overflow rooms

The crowded lobby

The Senior Pastor, Sam Horn, and me

The church sign

Speaking to people after the second service Sunday morning

Dr. Jason Lisle speaking

Interview at the church

We do praise the Lord that the hunger for the messages the Lord has laid on our hearts is growing astronomically across the nation. Lots of great testimonies from people, too.

Today I speak to two school assemblies and then Jason Lisle and I speak for the two evening sessions. I then go on to Dunbar (way up north in Wisconsin) to speak at a conference at Northland University. We are a bit concerned at the impending snow/ice storm/blizzard on the way Monday and Tuesday, so please pray for this situation.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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