Abraham Visits

by Ken Ham on December 3, 2010

Dr. Nathaniel Abraham has faced some challenges as a PhD scientist since moving to America from India several years ago. I mentioned him in a prior blog post, as I reported on how he was fired from a well-known science institution in New England simply for rejecting Darwinian evolution (yes, it really was as simple as that)—see my blog post regarding this.

Dr. Abraham landed a teaching position at Liberty University in Virginia. He has remained in touch with us over the years, but had never visited our Creation Museum. However, last week he came by with his wife and two children, plus his brother and his family from Nashville, and also his parents from Madras, India.

In the photo below, Dr. Abraham is standing to the right.

The Liberty website is www.liberty.edu; while there, you can check out the university’s science program.

Ark Encounter

If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to spend some time on the new website we “launched” on Wednesday (www.ArkEncounter.com). This website went live after Kentucky’s Gov. Steve Beshear made the announcement about the full-scale Ark that we will be building in northern Kentucky. See yesterday’s web article on the Governor’s announcement, and go here to make your donation that will help us build a full-scale Noah’s Ark, which is made out of wood.

More Details on the Ark

On the AiG website today, we have put up my article (which is adapted from our Answers Update newsletter) that gives more details (with illustrations) concerning the Ark project. I encourage you to read this article (and forward it to others).

Speaking This Sunday

This Sunday, I will be speaking at a church in the Brisbane (Queensland) area—at the morning service, and then giving two presentations in the evening.

I encourage those in Australia who know people in the Brisbane area to send the information about these meetings to them.

This is the only time I will be speaking in Australia this year.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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