Down Under

by Ken Ham on November 28, 2010

Mally and I are currently in Australia visiting with our elderly parents and other family members. We also have our daughter and her husband with us on this trip, so we are doing a few of the “touristy” things as well. For instance, here is a photograph of Mally, Danielle, and Joe at an animal park:

Mally, Danielle, and Joe at an animal park

The Most Important Church in Australia?

Now how could I possibly determine which is the most important church in Australia? Well, it has to be the church where my mother attends!! :) And, because of this, I will be speaking a week from today (Sunday, December 5) in this church. Here is the church’s newsletter with details on the upcoming event:


You can also find out details on the AiG event page. The church is arranging for a video overflow area and renting extra chairs for the day. I will be speaking at the morning service and then giving two presentations in the evening.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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