Can You Spell Deoxyribonucleic Acid?

by Ken Ham on June 8, 2010

For the past two days, Dr. Menton and I have been speaking at an AiG conference at Calvary Chapel in Philadelphia. After the school assembly today, a nine-year-old girl named Shaina came up an asked me, “Can you spell Deoxyribonucleic acid?” I asked her if she could, so she spelled it correctly for me. I then asked her what that substance was, and she answered “DNA.”

It is so great to speak to the caliber of young people today who are being raised up to stand on the authority of the Word of God. These children at such a young age know how to defend their faith—and they love the AiG ministry. I met many young children like Shaina yesterday. Here is a photograph of Shaina and me taken at the special school assembly:

Here is a photograph of many of the children at the special program for them I spoke at Monday—Christian school, homeschool, and a number of public school students who heard the truth of God’s Word about dinosaurs and the gospel:

We have given presentations to over 7,000 adults and children over the past two days. Here is a photograph taken in the auditorium on Sunday:

Here are more photographs taken during the past two days:

AiG’s Dr. Menton answering questions after his presentation

People crowding around the resource tables

The senior pastor, Joe Focht, and I

An excited family who wanted their photograph taken with me

Bringing Back a 34-year-old Memory

I had an amazing encounter at the Philadelphia conference. A lady named Dawn Goebbels introduced herself to me—and then she reminded me that I taught her as a senior in high school during my second year (1976) as a high school teacher at Dalby High school in Queensland, Australia. Dawn is a missionary with WEC International working in the African country of Chad. Of course, I took the opportunity to have my photograph taken with Dawn:

A Changed Life

At every conference where we speak, I now hear many testimonies from people whose lives were changed by God using the AiG ministry. At this conference, a young man who originally came from India told me that about nine years ago he was struggling intensely with belief in God, when he came across the AiG website. He said it changed his life and he became an on-fire Christian! He was so thrilled to be at the conference.

Dr. Menton and I will give two presentations tonight for the final evening of the conference—then I travel to Virgina, to speak at a large home school conference in Richmond.


Give me your heart

(Proverbs 23:26) My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.

For our own protection, the Lord Jesus Christ calls for us to give Him what we guard the most—our heart—with all its affections; He wants all of us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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