Two Pastors’ Conferences in September

by Ken Ham on April 2, 2010

In September I have the privilege of speaking at a conference for Christian leaders who are in the Calvary Chapel association of churches. It will be held in the beautiful area of central New York State called "The Finger Lakes," September 27-28.  (Evening sessions will be open to the public.) While there is no conference page on the church website just yet, you can find out more about the hosting church (Calvary Chapel of Finger Lakes) by going to its website at

The reason I mention the church and the pastors’ conference now is that a group from the church toured our Creation Museum last week. Perry Petrushko of our staff went out to meet the group and joined them in a group photo—he is in the striped shirt, right on the bottom lip of the raptor dinosaur, and Mark Looy our CCO is the tall guy in the light blue shirt towards the right. One of the church’s pastors was with the group, Tony Falcione (in the middle of the photo, with the brown shirt). He told Perry that the “Creation Museum has done a first rate job of declaring God's wonder of creation. Every exhibit is done in such a way that it encourages the believer and challenges the non-believer. The students said: amazing, awesome, incredible. You get the idea. To all the staff and family there I say, WELL DONE!”

Now, this conference in New York next September is for leaders within the Calvary Chapel church group. (Again, the evening programs will be open to the public.) For information on our national conference for pastors—"Answers for Pastors"—which will also be held in September here in our Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area, go to the Answers for Pastors conference page. By the way, please send that link of the conference page to your pastor and encourage him—and his wife—to attend our conference and receive some excellent Bible teaching, experience worshipful music, and visit the nearby Creation Museum—and maybe have a “date night” at the museum in the middle of the conference, which runs September 21-23.

Making a Parent’s Job a lot Easier

This encouraging email came into the office while I was away:

Our family would like to thank you for the resources and information that Answers in Genesis supplies to families like ours. From the curriculum for homeschoolers to the articles in your magazine, each resource has helped us at some point.

. . . Our oldest son began attending a local high school in our area. So far, he has had a good school year, but last week he had an experience that I thought you might appreciate.

In his biology class they have been studying evolution, and as he has come home talking about it, we have had some good discussions. Because of the resources we have used  prior to this and because of our visit to the Creation Museum, our son has a pretty good grasp on the creation/evolution debate, so our conversations have mainly been in dispute of what the teacher is teaching (though she claims to be a Christian).

Anyways, the other day he came home and was sharing with me the "evidence" the teacher shared about the peppered moth. As we discussed it, I mentioned to him that I had read an article one time in an AiG magazine about that subject that he and his teacher might find interesting. . . . So he got on your website and looked in the archives. Sure enough, he found it and printed it and decided to take it to school to share with his teacher.

I am not sure that she received it well, but I am glad that the resources are available for our children when times like these come about. It sure makes a mother's job a lot easier to have a ministry like Answers in Genesis providing biblical answers to the questions our children will face.

So please accept a big "thank you" from our family for the hard work that your ministry does and the solid biblical resources provided to believers like us. We enjoy your magazines, books, and especially our visit to the Creation Museum last year! What a fantastic job Answers in Genesis is doing educating and evangelizing!


--C. N., Flowery Branch, Georgia

By the way, you can read a refutation of the so-called “peppered moth argument” in support of evolution—see Much Ado About Moths.


Pressed upon Him to hear

(Luke 5:1,15)  the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God… and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him of their infirmities.

We know we have soul infirmities that cause us to sin, but from the world we press to be close to the Lord Jesus Christ to hear Him in the Bible & we get healed.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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