Already Gone Continues to Impact

by Ken Ham on March 27, 2010

The book Already Gone—which details the research conducted by America’s Research Group into why 2/3rds of young people are leaving the church—continues to make an impact across the nation (and around the world). Here is an email received last week:

Someone sent our pastor the video and book “Already Gone.” We had already started teaching creation and the Christian worldview a couple of weeks before. This material was eye opening .
I had heard an interview, but there is so much more in the materials. Our pastor had us show a clip of the video in church and we asked the parents to watch it with the students in Sunday school. I can say this teaching is loved by most of our students. One in particular … said he loves it [and] is excited to come to church. He said he is learning lies at school and at least here he is learning the truth.

He thought the video on building the Ark was cool. We have purchased some material from you and plan on getting more … I just wanted to thank you for your ministry and its focus on the foundations of the Bible and the Gospel. Our church and parents are behind this material also, so we are blessed. Again, thanks.

You can purchase the book Already Gone (and the accompanying video of the same name) from the AiG online bookstore.

More Photos from California

In my blog this past Thursday, I included an item about our visit to Ray Comfort’s “The Way of the Master” ministry in California. Ray (well known for his book, Hell’s Best Kept Secret, his evangelistic work with Kirk Cameron, and the handing out of a special edition of Origin of the Species as an outreach tool—I had a previous blog post concerning this) interviewed me for various videos and a television program.

Here are some additional photographs:

Ray Comfort and I

Mally and me, AiG staff member Andy Ramirez (far right), and Ray Comfort and some of his staff

A photo of me taken during the interview


(2Ki 18:25) Am I now come up without the LORD against this place to destroy it? The LORD said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.

It can be dangerous for us to endorse our decision by saying that the Lord said unto me without basing that decision on what the Bible says.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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