Spectacular 2010 VBS Response!

by Ken Ham on February 8, 2010

A few years ago, our AiG Product Development team and Curriculum Department made a decision to produce a high-quality Vacation Bible School program. Knowing there were already a number of VBS programs produced by different publishers, why would we make this decision? As set out clearly in the book Already Gone, statistics show there is a problem with a lot of curricula in the Christian market. They tend to teach the Bible as a book of stories; they don’t really connect the Bible to the real world, and they don’t teach apologetics to reach children (and adults) about how to defend the Christian faith and answer the skeptical questions of the age.

AiG set out to fill this void and produce a biblical authority/gospel based curricula, with general biblical and creation apologetics, with cutting-edge graphics,etc. The first VBS on the “7 C’s of history” was more successful than we imagined—and year two with Operation Space was even more successful. And, the testimonies from churches (and other groups) using the AiG VBS programs were outstanding. A number told us they had never seen such a response from children—some told us they saw more children committing their lives to the Lord than they had seen in years—and there were many other similar-type responses.

The response to the 2010 VBS program—which has an emphasis on the sanctity of life (so needed in this culture where abortion is rampant)—has been astounding. Early sales of this, our newest Vacation Bible School program, The Egypt File: Decoding the Mystery of Life, has taken even our own staff by surprise! Our warehouse team is shipping the Starter and Super Starter kits literally all over the world, and they are having trouble keeping up with demand!

With the excellent reputation that God blessed on our first two years of VBS programs (2008 and 2009), plus better-than-ever illustrations and songs (you have to see the quality of this kit!), this new VBS for 2010 is outselling even last year’s Operation Space by more than 100%. We went out on a limb and ordered 50% more than last year, but even in our wildest dreams we did not expect what is happening this year.

That’s great news, but it’s forced us into an unprecedented second printing of thousands more kits. And with each kit containing nearly 100 different items—teaching guides, posters, craft making handbooks, postcards, toys, music CDs, volunteer recruitment and promotional DVDs, bulletin inserts, nametags, buttons, patches, wristbands, and lots more—you can imagine that this is a big undertaking. However, so that we have enough to meet the demand for this summer and so we have a few hundred left over for churches who use our apologetics-based VBS during the school year and next summer, we’re placing this huge second order.

This new order should arrive in plenty of time so that we will never actually run out—unless churches continue to join the flood of interest in AiG’s VBS program. (I encourage you to order soon so that your church has plenty of time to recruit volunteers etc. Most churches try to order at least several months in advance.)

The Egypt File VBS has a fantastic pro-life, creation-based message that uses kid-friendly apologetics to take your 2–12 year olds deeper in the Word than probably any other VBS out there. That’s what makes the AiG VBS programs so special. Our writers and test churches work incredibly hard for nearly a full year on each new theme. Each is evangelistic and excellent for outreach, yet each goes deeper than traditional publishers do because we create apologetics-based praise songs, meaty daily messages and skits, etc. And yet the program is so well done that it’s incredibly easy for the average church to use.

Even if you are not directly responsible for making your church’s VBS decision, I encourage you to forward this blog item to your pastor or VBS coordinator. Use the “ShareThis” link next to the date (above) to share this exciting news to your friends on Facebook or Twitter! Help us spread the word.



On a recent blog I included an item about a man who told me he was an atheist and how the Lord used AiG in his life—he is now an on-fire Christian. Well, this man sent me an email to make a correction—actually, it makes the testimony even more powerful. How I praise the Lord for the way He is using this ministry to reach others with the saving gospel message.

I was the “emotional” man that Ken Ham had recently commented about on his blog. I need to correct him on something. He stated that I was saved 15 years ago. He misunderstood me for obvious reasons. Actually, I had been an atheist for the past 15 years, becoming saved only a few months ago. I was also an evolutionist, not because I had thoroughly researched the subject, but because I accepted what I was told.
I was raised in a very good Christian home and abandoned my faith early. To sum up my conversion, I was led to this site through research that I had started a little over a year ago. It took that long of searching to accept Christ. To me, I had to trust the whole Bible. Ken was right to say that I was an On-Fire Christian. Sadly it is only to my wife and family. It took a lot out of me to approach Ken, but I felt he needed to hear. It was humiliating to break down. However, a small sacrifice to bring encouragement. Thank you all for this ministry.


Sit still until thou know how the matter will fall

(Ruth 3:18) Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he has finished the thing this day.

Wisdom is to know all we can do and when we cannot do anymore—and when we just need to sit still to see how the Lord Jesus Christ will make the matter fall.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

Ken Ham’s Daily Email

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