“Most Important Event”

by Ken Ham on February 3, 2010

It was very encouraging to receive this comment from a pastor in southern California:

The AiG conference was the most important event I have been part of. Because of its strong emphasis on the truth and the accuracy of the Word, AiG’s books, DVDs, and other helps are now going to be part of our home fellowships, VBS, and Sunday school curriculum. Also, our church is becoming a monthly supporter of AiG.
—Pastor Tom Hughes, Calvary Chapel San Jacinto, CA
Dr. Jason Lisle and I spoke in this church just over a week ago.

AiG Impacting Lives

Terry Mortenson is back from teaching ministry in New York. He shared the following testimony with me.
After arriving in Rochester, New York, I was taken to dinner by a man and his wife and three other young couples. He runs a computer business and is a really excited apologist, devouring AiG books and DVDs. One of the other guys came to Christ a few years ago, and AiG materials were key in his conversion. I was told that he . . . invited at least 30 people to my lecture on Monday night on “Origin of Species: Was Darwin Right?”
One of the other guys at the dinner is a financial advisor. About a year ago, he read Dr. Francis Collins’s book The Language of God. Collins is former head of the Human Genome Project and is a professing evangelical, but a theistic evolutionist. His faith in God’s Word was really shaken by that book. He started going to an evolutionist website that criticizes creationists, and it was causing more doubts in his mind. Then about six months ago, the man who took me to dinner loaned him my DVD on “Origin of the Species,” and Chad said that it was a huge help to him in seeing the fallacy of theistic evolution. [The man who took me to dinner] told me on the way back to the hotel that this was the first time he had heard him share about this—he was very encouraged.
During the dinner the couples . . . had a lot of great questions about creation and evolution. They are so excited about the AiG seminar. After my Sunday morning messages, the one who took me to dinner said that he bought some books and DVDs to use in a study group at his church in the near future. So, the impact of the seminar in this church where I was speaking will spread to other churches, too.

“State of the Nation” Spreading

Information about my “State of the Nation” live webcast on February 16 is spreading—a number of news sources have taken this up, such as:



I taught them, rising up early

(Jeremiah 32:33) I taught them, rising up early and teaching them

No matter how early we get up to meet with the Lord Jesus Christ with an open Bible and open heart, He has beat us there and is ready to meet with us and teach us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken

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