Nightline TV and Creation

by Ken Ham on January 30, 2010

To watch Monday evening’s 6-minute segment in which I was interviewed at the CreationMuseum (including many scenes of the museum) on Nightline ABC-TV regarding the new evolutionist movie drama entitled Creation—go to:

The Impact of the Message

We continue to receive feedback concerning the impact of the AiG resources and Creation Museum as God has blessed—such as this one:
We are thrilled to be a part of the giving for the museum. As charter members, we are so blessed to have reuseuable tickets to share with others. It has been such a blessing to bring groups of four 4th graders to visit throughout the years. It makes a big impact on these children who are from unchurched homes. We also have been blessed to be able to provide for others going and it is one of our favorite ministries to share the Museum with others.

We recently attended the Christmas walk through. It was exceptional! My favorite time coming to the Museum, though, was with my sister and her missionary family because we were able to go through leisurely and read everything. My nephew was preparing to write a term paper on creation vs. evolution … It was such a blessing to finally read my nephew’s paper where he came out strong on choosing to stand with what the Bible says. His was a very scholarly work prepared from books he purchased at the museum store, but I want to share the following from his paper, because you will note that the wording comes right out of the museum exhibits: “I have chosen my starting point. I personally believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Any time there is a conflict between what someone accepts as true and what the Bible says, I believe that the Bible wins. That is why I use it as my starting point. . . . The Bible is the authority in my life, my starting point, and my guide. What are you going to believe?”

Single Most Important Event

It was thrilling to receive feedback from a pastor in California who hosted us at a recent conference. He shared with an AiG staff member that the conference in his church was “the single most important event I have ever been part of.” He added that AiG’s foundational, biblical messages starting with Genesis will be a part of his home fellowships, VBS summer program for children, and all of his Sunday school curricula (especially the “7 Cs of History” according to the Bible).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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