New Darwin-Inspired Clothing Line

by Ken Ham on October 9, 2009

We are coming up on the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s On The Origin of Species publication (and February this year was the 200th anniversary of his birth). The Daily Mail website in England is reporting a new fashion line inspired by Darwin’s famous book and teachings. The report states:

These bizarre shoes would be a tall order for any woman to walk in. . . .

The platform shoes were part of a collection inspired by Charles Darwin’s The Origin Of The Species [sic]. . . .

Models with their hair teased into devil-like horns, strutted the catwalk in minidresses decorated with all manner of colourful, elaborate skins. . . .

Ruffled hemlines were frilled to resemble feathers, and vibrant fabrics were printed to resemble amphibian-like breastplates. The high-tech show set then morphed into a prehistoric underwater scene, lending something of an otherworldly feel.

The weird and wonderful mood was heightened by the models’ shaved eyebrows and gills painted on their temples.

You can read the entire report (and see photographs of the “evolved” clothes) on the Daily Mail website. (Be aware that some of the images on this site are not suitable for everyone.)

The New Koi Pond

Here is another photograph of the new koi pond and associated gardens at the Creation Museum:

Koi Pond

See photos of the recent dedication of the Koi pond and gardens.

If you have not visited the Creation Museum lately, now is a good time to come and see the beautiful gardens as the colors change—fall is here! Also, walk through the museum itself. Go to the Creation Museum website for more information.

Speaking in Oklahoma This Weekend

This Sunday and Monday, I will be speaking at First Baptist Church in Broken Arrow (near Tulsa), Oklahoma. For the detailed itinerary, go to the AiG event calendar on the Answers Outreach website.


Far From God

(Psalm 73:27–28) For, lo, they that are far from you shall perish: you have destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.

Those who are far from God will perish; we must bring souls close to the Lord Jesus Christ by speaking of His compassion and desire to forgive and save from hell.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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