Auditorium Packed for First Night in Oregon

by Ken Ham on September 28, 2009

For the first evening of the Portland, Oregon, “Answers For Darwin” conference, 2,500 people filled the auditorium (with some spillover)—with an estimated 80% coming from churches outside the church we used for the conference.

Over the years, the Lord has enabled Answers in Genesis to build up a reputation in this state—many people have heard us at various conferences here and have spread the word! From the comments I received from people, AiG resources are being widely used (see some of the comments below) and have had a significant impact on Christians in what is known as a very liberal/humanistic part of the state.

The local committee who brought us to Oregon this year—the Design Science Association—did a phenomenal job in getting advertising out about this conference—a lot of hard work in visiting churches, distributing flyers, etc. The group, by the way, meets each month to present creation apologetics programs. Find out more about DSA on their website.

As we have given presentations in Oregon a number of times over the past 20 years, it was a great encouragement to hear testimonial feedback from those previous meetings, such as:

  • I became a Christian after the last AiG conference.
  • It was the AiG presentations last time that the Lord used to bring me to salvation.
  • I would not be a Christian today if the Lord had not brought AiG to this area.
  • As a result of you speaking in another church a couple of years ago, I am now bringing my children up on AiG material.
  • Our church is using your curricula in all our grade levels, and we used the AiG VBS program this year and can’t wait for next year’s Egypt File.
  • I read Already Gone and now use your resources in my Christian school class—and others in the school are now reading the book .
The testimonies were so many—I could not remember them all. I also heard of one lady who committed her life to the Lord sitting in the seats last night!

This morning I will be speaking to many children and young people at two school assemblies—one for K–6 and one for junior and senior high.

There is such a hunger from people to get answers in regard to what is happening to America and the breakdown of Christianity in this country. I am finding that people are more open than ever to hear the messages the Lord has called us to bring to the church and nation.


Where I will meet with you

(Numbers 17:4) And thou shall lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, where I will meet with you.

The person of the Lord Jesus Christ represents God’s conversation with man. In Him we meet God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken

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