Egypt File: Decoding the Mystery of Life

by Ken Ham on September 18, 2009

This is the title and theme of an incredibly exciting, God-honoring Vacation Bible School (VBS) program AiG will release for 2010. The “mystery” of the pyramids in Egypt—and the intrigue of investigating these—is used as a backdrop to instill in children a sense of awe concerning how special life is and what God has done for us. Children will also be taught to reach out and love those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Overall, this is an apologetics VBS curriculum that teaches children concerning the Christian faith, biblical authority, and the "gospel in a unique and powerful way—but at the same time using mystery and intrigue to teach what life is all about.

I must admit, when I sat in our SFX Theater along with our staff on Tuesday and heard a report on this new VBS (the third AiG will have produced), all I could say was, “WOW!” I continue to be amazed and thrilled at the talent and dedication of the AiG staff and our special supporters.

In 2005, I was asked to go to observe a VBS produced under the director of Randy and Barb Witt in Ohio, who had written VBS curricula using AiG apologetics resources. I was amazed! The Witts (and others who worked with them) have since become a part of a team, which also involves AiG staff, that produces high-quality, Bible-upholding VBS curricula.

I have included two photographs of the Witts as they presented Egypt File to us this week.

Egypt File VBS Egypt File VBS

I have also included photographs of the set and children involved in doing the pilot program leading up to the actual production of the curricula—to be purchased through AiG:

Egypt File VBS Egypt File VBS Egypt File VBS

I have also included two photographs of just two of the hundreds of pieces of artwork that will be used in the curricula:

Egypt File VBS Egypt File VBS

AiG has received rave reviews about the two previous VBS programs that are based on biblical authority, present the gospel so clearly, and yet teach children that the Bible is real history and connects to the real world. The programs also share how to defend the Christian faith in today’s world.

Here are just a few of the many feedback comments we received from churches who used AiG’s VBS (Operation Space) this year:

Our 12 year olds are already volunteering to help next year because they don’t want to miss out. We have some older kids that came to Amazon Expedition last year and have stayed with us. They are intrigued with getting some answers about evolution and how to know that the Bible is true. We are excited to work with them as they explore their faith.
We just completed our VBS week—Operation Space was fantastic. Several children accepted Jesus, and many grew in their knowledge of the Word. Thank you for the great materials—everything was excellent.
I returned to co-direct Operation Space. We concluded last evening. Second year in a row . . . huge success!! A few responses to pass on: A mother of six . . . in the pouring down rain on Wed. “The kids refused to stay home! They would not miss Bible School! none of them!” A mom and dad had planned to leave for vacation Friday. The kids would NOT leave until VBS was over Fri evening! A mom said that they have been to many VBS [programs] this summer. This is the first that her children wanted it to continue for two weeks! Even the kitchen crew were enjoying themselves . . . . [Y]our program is fun, energizing, teacher friendly and most of all . . . Biblically sound!
We would like to thank AiG and commend you for this year’s VBS program Operation Space.This is the second year our Church has used your material and it again was a success. The songs and skits were all we expected it to be. Many of the youth were continually talking about them and singing the songs outside Church. I had 3 separate families tell me their children came home talking about the skit and the lessons that were taught. The Robot was a great hit with the younger ones. All the workers and helpers talked of the depth and ease of the program. Best thing we had decisions made for Christ. We look forward to next years program.
I met with some resistance when I first chose this VBS because it was so different than ones we’ve used in the past. But by the end of the week, everybody loved it! The fact that there was real substance, “meat” not just “fluff,” was the best part! Repeatedly, I had parents, teaches, and kids tell me how much they liked the teaching!

These comments really sum up why every church should consider using AiG’s VBS curriculum.


Passionately embraced

(Hebrews 9:20) Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God has enjoined unto you.

God graciously showed us the value of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as His remedy for our sins, and we passionately embraced that sacrifice as our only hope.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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