Award-winning Musician Here—And See Video of the “Creation Museum” Indy Car

by Ken Ham on August 1, 2009

Some interesting visitors dropped by the Creation Museum this past week—and our museum is also a topic being brought up on radio and TV locally, including broadcasts of the major league baseball team in town, the Cincinnati Reds.

First, Grammy award-winning musician (he’s a fantastic trumpet player and composer) Phil Driscoll was with us. He’s in the white shirt in the group photo; his son, who lives in Kentucky, is to his right.

Phil Driscoll

I told you yesterday about an Indy car team that parked its race car—which is running today (Saturday) at the Kentucky Speedway—right in front of the Creation Museum. Driver Brandon Wagner met with museum guests and our staff. During his practice sessions at the track on Friday (in Sparta, Kentucky—about halfway between our museum and Louisville), Brandon took time to record a video greeting for us (the Dan and Mark he mentions on the video are Dan Mangus, who directs the museum operations, and Mark Looy, our CCO). Watch the short video and see the Creation Museum logos on his car:

Also here this past week: Ransom Bennett of Christian Family Radio in Bowling Green, Kentucky, who toured with his wife and daughter. He called the museum “spectacular.”

Missionary Jerry Layton and his wife Donna (Jerry gives creation talks in Asia, primarily in the Philippines), paid a visit—in this photo, you can see them with Dr. David Crandall (left), director of our international outreach. More about their creation ministry at:

Dr. Crandall and Guest

Also, a friend of the ministry—who hosted one of our AiG meetings in early 2007—spoke to our staff on Thursday (see photo), giving an excellent devotional from the book of Philippians (and its passages on rejoicing). Pastor Bill Henard of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky and his wife Judy then spent several hours touring the museum. Well-known in Southern Baptist circles and its LifeWay ministry, Pastor Henard has become a very good friend of AiG, and we look forward to returning to his church for a follow-up seminar.

Pastor Bill Henard

Find out more about this wonderful church in “Bluegrass County” at:

Baseball and the Museum

Several of our staff members are baseball fans and regularly watch TV broadcasts of the games played by the Cincinnati Reds. Earlier this week, radio and TV announcer Thom Brennaman talked about this weekend’s “Faith Day” at the ballpark, where the Creation Museum is a “title” sponsor of this event that’s sponsored by local tourism officials. Thom noted on his telecast that the museum was “enormously” popular.

With billboards throughout our Cincinnati metropolitan area, radio/TV promotions, regular newspaper coverage, it’s no wonder that many of the people in our Tri-state region (Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana) are coming to the Creation Museum—perhaps more than usual as people are now considering “stay-vacations” (staying closer to home because of the economy and high gas prices). They are finding a family-friendly activity just a short drive away.

A Way to Avoid Church?

I thought you would be interested in this somewhat humorous (though it obviously wasn’t at the time) Fox TV news story about a young boy who tried to avoid church. As I read the story I wondered whether he is one of those ‘statistics’ in our book Already Gone—one of those who as a youngster has already left the church!

The news story states:

Police in Utah say a 7-year-old boy led officers on a car chase in an effort to avoid going to church. Dispatchers received reports of a child driving recklessly on Sunday morning. Weber County Sheriff's Capt. Klint Anderson says one witness said the boy drove through a stop sign. Anderson says two deputies caught up with the boy and tried unsuccessfully to stop the Dodge Intrepid in an area about 45 miles north of Salt Lake City. The car reached 40 mph before the boy stopped in a driveway and ran inside a home. Anderson says when the boy's father later confronted him, the boy said he didn't want to go to church. The boy is too young to prosecute and no citations were issued, although police did urge the father to make his car keys more inaccessible to children.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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