“They’re Out-Breeding Us”

by Ken Ham on June 25, 2009

Yesterday, around 80 paleontologists from across America—who were attending a conference in Cincinnati—visited the Creation Museum. A number of secular media representatives (e.g., Associated Press, local Channel 12, the New York Times, Agence Presse [European news service], the Cincinnati Enquirer) accompanied them. Our staff treated them as graciously as we treat any visitor, and we were pleased to welcome them.

We realized that many of their responses (and quotes in various media) would not be complimentary towards the message of the museum (that the Bible’s history in Genesis is true). But we certainly did hear complimentary comments from some of them concerning the quality of the museum itself.

The Associated Press report has already appeared in many news sources—you can read the article at this link.

When I read the article on a couple of news sources, I found an interesting couple of sentences at the end—but when I went back to copy them, I found they were deleted from certain sites. However, I was able to find the original ending on the AP site itself. It stated:

Christine Janis, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown University, said most of the arguments addressed at the museum she’s heard countless times before. What she found most troubling was the crowd. More than 750,000 people have visited in two years, and Janis is concerned the Creation Museum’s version of human history is the only one they’re getting.

“They're out-breeding us, that’s for sure,” Janis said.

Seems they are worried about the museum crowds (a worry for the secularists, a praise for us as Christians)—and, yes, crowds do pour in. Around 1400 visitors yesterday, and today will probably be considerably larger. They keep coming!

Christians see it as a rallying place, and more and more non-church people are also coming. Many are challenged by the message (though I doubt any of yesterday’s secular scientist visitors would have been seriously challenged—their careers are built on believing millions of years and Darwinian evolution—but let’s pray that God will use their visit in some way).

You can also read our local Cincinnati Enquirer article here.

Don’t Miss “The State Of The Nation” Live Webcast At 8:00 PM EST Today

Tonight (Thursday) at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, I will be presenting a lecture at the Creation Museum to be broadcast live (over the internet and Christian radio) entitled “The State of the Nation.” This presentation will not only deal with the contents of our new book Already Gone: Why Your Kids Will Quit Church and What You Can Do to Stop It, based on the research conducted by Britt Beemer of America’s Research Group, but will also deal with the spiritual problems America is facing. Too many people are only trying to invoke a political situation to a spiritual problem—which requires a spiritual solution.

After the presentation, Britt Beemer and I will then answer questions via a live chat through the web for 30 minutes.

The presentation will be streamed through the AiG website after the event and will also be made available on DVD.

Here are the details:

  • “The State of the Nation; The Collapse of Christian America” with Ken Ham and Britt Beemer Thursday, June 25, 2009
  • Live, 8:00 PM–9:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time (plus via FREE web streaming video immediately after the event airs live) with a preshow beginning at 7:30 PM EDT.
  • access live and after the event at www.AnswersinGenesis.org and www.CreationMuseum.org, or join the live chatroom at www.CreationMuseum.org/live
  • also streaming live at www.OneNewsNow.com and www.afr.net
  • live on the AFR national radio network of 300 stations (see this link)
  • program will also be available for purchase on DVD and downloadable media from www.AnswersBookstore.com
  • SkyAngel subscribers can also access the event live on The Homeschool Channel
  • schedule is for the first hour to be mainly Ken’s special presentation, then the last 30-minutes as a question/answer time also featuring Britt Beemer (for the AFR radio network, there will also be a live “pre-show” discussion with AiG’s Carl Kerby beginning at 7:30 PM EDT)

Anniversary at the Creation Museum

A couple who came to the Creation Museum sent us the following exciting letter—what a testimony as to how the Lord uses AiG and the Creation Museum to reach lives for Him:
Thank you so much for what you did for my wife and me last week during our visit to the Creation Museum. You really made our anniversary a very special one! The Creation Museum and AiG ministry is very special to us. If it were not for my wife (fiancée at the time) a year and half ago getting me to go on the AiG website to try and bring me back to God, I wouldn't be a Christian today. I lost my faith a few years ago because of all the secular things I read, watched and learned at school.
To tell you the truth, I watched the news channels broadcasting about the Creation Museum the day it opened (they were mocking the museum as unscientific) and I was angry. I thought that it was a bunch of religious people ignoring science and lying to children.

Today I know very differently, and I am very very sorry to you, my wife (because she proved me wrong thankfully), and all the people at the Creation Museum. . . . Today I am a very different person.

Since I changed and let Jesus back into my life and now believe the entire Bible, I am happy again. I care very much for people like you and the rest of the people at AiG. My wife first mentioned visiting the museum a while back, and I told her I would take her there for our anniversary. I must tell you that we enjoyed it very much! We had hoped to listen to one of Mr. Ham's speeches and we were even more grateful to meet him. You couldn’t have made us any happier!

The museum was more than we hoped for. Thank you very much! If we lived closer and I had the right education, I would love to work there with you all because it is a very special place. We hope to come back soon, and we will keep everyone at the museum and ministry in our prayers.


The ability

(2 Corinthians 3:6) Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.

The ability to teach, preach, evangelize and exhort that brings about life change in others has one source: the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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