4500 Turn out for “Answers for Darwin” Conference in Lynchburg

by Ken Ham on February 16, 2009

Last night, for the opening evening of the three-night “Answers for Darwin” conference, around 4,500 people came to Thomas Road Baptist Church in Virginia to hear the three speakers—Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. David DeWitt, and me.

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Many people lined up to talk with the speakers during breaks—it was an extremely busy evening. You can obtain details about the remaining nights of the free conference at the AiG website. I will speak tonight and Tuesday evening (the latter with Dr. Marcus Ross of Liberty University).

Here are other photographs taken at Lynchburg yesterday:

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Evolution a Stumbling Block

It was a great blessing yesterday morning to speak at the televised morning service at Grove Avenue Baptist in Richmond, Virginia. Not only was the service televised on 54 cable channels throughout Virginia, but a special arrangement was made to broadcast the service live on the NRB Television channel (on DirecTV). I spoke on the relevance of Genesis in today’s world.

After I spoke, a lady rushed in the door of the church to find me to specially thank Answers in Genesis for our ministry. She was watching the service on television and was so excited to get answers to questions she had—and so thankful for the information to help her in raising her children—that she rushed over to the church so she could meet me.

After the service one man told me he was a teacher who taught classes to a blind girl. As part of her education he had her learn certain books of the Bible. However, one day she told me she couldn’t believe the Bible because of all she had learned in other classes about evolution. He used creation resources to help this girl and remove the stumbling block of evolution.

I also heard a testimony about a daughter whose faith was challenged because she was given evolution books by another family member. It was the creation resources from AiG that helped get this girl back on track.

Thank You from Canada

Recently, AiG speaker Mike Riddle was up in Canada (in beautiful British Columbia). We later received this email:
I just wanted to send you a quick note to say THANK YOU for bringing Mike Riddle to [Canada]. I am eternally grateful and pray that others (not yet believers) will soon become “eternally grateful” too, as a result of Mike’s ministry. The topics of global warming and stem cell research have opened the door already for discussion with an employee, our daughter, and my hairdresser. Praise God! These subjects interest many people today and so it is necessary that I’m able to give well informed answers.
Because of Mike’s ministry we also learned of the Creation Museum in Kentucky. [We] have received permission to take our granddaughters on a holiday there and we pray that we’ll be able to organize it and that it will be a life changing experience for them . . . . Thanks again for your efforts. I know many were blessed. For me, it’s opened the door for more opportunities to share.

Thank You from Virginia

Dr. Jason Lisle received this thank you from his recent ministry outreaches in Virginia (this one after speaking to a group of homeschoolers):
I truly can not thank you all enough for making this incredible opportunity available to our children. This was very impactful for my students as they were able to listen with understanding about the gap theory, relativity, logic discussions, etc. all thanks to the exciting integration of ideas orchestrated within the Classical Conversations curriculum. While our studies set the stage, this seminar turned on more lights and started the music . . . .
Thank you a million times over, truly. You can not underestimate the profound effects the seeds we plant together with His blessing will produce. For all the time, effort and organization that went into this seminar, we are truly grateful.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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