Answers for Darwin Begins Tonight!

by Ken Ham on February 6, 2009

The first of two Answers For Darwin conferences begins tonight at the well-known Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California. I will be speaking along with Dr. Andrew Snelling and Dr. David Menton. You can find out the details about this free day-and-a-half meeting (suggested ages 13 and up) in Southern California (and south of Los Angeles) from the AiG website.

Yesterday evening I was interviewed during drive time on KKLA (a major Los Angeles Christian radio station) to promote the conference.

The second Answers for Darwin conference will be held in Virginia in just over a week’s time. It too is free. You can obtain detailed information from AiG’s website.

Prominent Business Author and Speaker Visits

Long-time friend of Answers in Genesis–and a ministry consultant for us—Joe Pine visited this week from Minnesota. He was in our region to speak at a secular university. (In the photo, he’s on the right, along with Mark Looy of our staff.)


Joe once worked for IBM and, in 1996, cofounded Strategic Horizons, which helps organizations, as the site says, to:

conceive and design new ways of adding value to their economic offerings. Pine & Gilmore’s raison d’etre is to discover what is going on in the business world, make sense of it, and then develop frameworks so that companies can respond intelligently to the fundamental changes happening in the competitive environment.
He is also the co-author of the The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage,(1999), now in a dozen languages. It was chosen as one of the “100 Best Business Books of All Time.” Also, well-known business guru Tom Peters called it “a brilliant, absolutely original book.” Joe is also known as an excellent public speaker and has been an avid student of biblical apologetics for years.

Joe particularly enjoyed our museum’s Noah’s Ark exhibits, including our “scaffolding scene.”


More Than Met Our Expectations

The following is a comment from a retired businessman, former president of a billion-dollar company, who gave up evolution years ago and now hosts a creation radio program in New York:
About our visit to the Creation Museum. Sometimes one’s expectations can become too high and then they are a little disappointed, but this was not the case with the museum, as it more than met our already high expectations. I especially was moved by the section of the museum where the effect of sin and unbelief on the lives of people is depicted. We certainly will be encouraging others to visit.



Not turn away, but turned to

(Revelation 1:5) Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

The Lord Jesus Christ did not turn away from us in disgust from the wretchedness of our sins, He turned to us in love & washed us from them in His own blood.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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