Message from Georgia

by Ken Ham on January 9, 2009

This week I received a note of encouragement from one of our researchers and speakers, Dr. Georgia Purdom, concerning the daily speaker presentations we hold in the Creation Museum.

One of the highlights of my week is speaking to museum guests in the daily presentation given in the museum’s Special Effects Theater. While I enjoy the peace and quiet of my office (compared to my life at home with an active 5 year old!), I am a “people person” at heart, and I enjoy interacting with our guests. I’m amazed at how often I know someone in the crowd—from former students to former classmates of my husband’s to an old friend of my Dad’s. It’s great to reunite with these people but, more importantly, that they are supportive of biblical truth and our efforts here.
One day as I stood on the stage watching people come into the theater, I began to think about how many people a day were hearing the importance of biblical authority. Then I did some math. On average, let’s say there are 50 people in the audience per weekday (of course this number is much larger in the summer, on weekends, and during holidays). The museum is open 363 days a year with at least one presentation being given daily. So, if we multiply 363 by 50 we get a grand total of 18,150 people each year who are hearing a talk from an AiG speaker about the importance of Genesis to biblical authority.
That number is mind-boggling to me, and it’s likely on the low side of the actual number of people who attend the daily speaker presentations (many times in the summer, we’ll have 200-plus people in the audience). I’m also amazed at the number of people I speak to in the bookstore (following the presentation) who have never heard a live AiG speaker and are generally unfamiliar with AiG.
We truly are reaching the church and the world for Christ.
Be sure to check out the Upcoming Events calendar at for information on these presentations in addition to other daily programs for both adults and children.


Bible College President Visits AiG

From time to time, a president of a Bible college will tour the Creation Museum and meet with some of the staff. Unfortunately, I had just left for Ohio when Dr. Danny Lovett, president of Tennessee Temple University, came through the offices with his wife Susan (she’s the VP for Academic Services at this university located in Chattanooga, Tennessee).

Carl Kerby and Mark Looy of our staff spent some time with them last week and discussed ways that their university could use the Creation Museum as a teaching experience for its students (we’re about 5 ½ hours away) to equip them to have more answers to defend their faith. We also found out that Dr. Lovett is the co-pastor of the well-known Highland Park Baptist Church, right next door to the university.

We thank our good friends Herb and Pat Rawlings for hosting them here at the museum.


All we lack and all we need

(Luke 11:13) If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

All we lack and all we need to ask for is one person, the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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