The “Home” of the “AiG Video Conference”

by Ken Ham on September 18, 2008

Many of you will have heard of Bob and Jan Thompson. Bob and Jan came to the Creation Museum a number of years ago to volunteer for a few months—and stayed! Eventually, they headed up AiG’s very successful video conference ministry, where AiG supporters are trained to take video conferences to churches in their local area. This is one way of reaching many of the churches that would not be able to hold an AiG conference otherwise.

It was exciting for Bob and Jan yesterday to see members of the First Baptist Church in Baxter, Minnesota, visit the Creation Museum. Jan was raised in that church from birth, and Bob & Jan were married there 56 years ago!


But even more than all of that, this is the church that hosted the second official AiG Video Conference in 2005. Since then, another video conference has been held there, and several of the people in the church have become AiG supporters. Pastor Dave & Cindy Grotzke always welcome the AiG ministry.

You can schedule a video conference (with videos of AiG speakers together with a selection of AiG resources) in your church by going here. And/or you may like to find out about how you can become an AiG Video Conference co-ordinator by contacting Bob Thompson.

“You Grew up Learning about God—But I Didn’t”

Drs. Tommy and Elizabeth Mitchell report from the Pacific island of Saipan—with a very touching report from AiG staff member Laura, who met a Chinese girl who had never heard about God—read on:

The question of the week in Saipan has been, “Did Adam have a bellybutton?” Over a dozen young men have come to Dr. Mitchell eagerly curious about this question. Some Chinese even come in groups and send their best English speaker to find out. All are genuinely amazed at the answer. They seem genuinely relieved to learn that Jesus did have one.
On Tuesday, Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell explained to the kindergarten classes at the International school how dinosaurs fit into the six-day creation week. The boys from the K–5 class were eager to show that they could already recite Genesis 1:1. Each child got a “creature card” or a “dinosaur card” to keep.
Medical clinics continue to attract a steady flow of patients throughout the mornings and afternoons. The predominant problems have been minor orthopedic complaints and respiratory infections. We are trying to deal with preventative health issues as much as we can. Clinics will continue until the end of next week.
A personal note from Laura:
Imagine being 23 years old and never hearing about the Bible, never hearing about God creating the world . . . never hearing about Jesus and how much He loves you.
I don’t know about you, but that’s really hard for me to understand. The first night our team arrived, I met Ashley (her English name)—a student from China who is studying here at the college. She is 23 years old, and the first time she heard about Jesus was in her classes here. We’ve had the opportunity to hang out this week, and it’s been so cool to talk with her about God. Right now, she’s still just trying to take everything in, but the thing that amazes me the most is her openness of talking about God. She’s not opposed to it at all.
I shared my testimony with her, and she was very interested in it. But at the end of our conversation she sweetly said, “You grew up learning about God, but I didn’t. I’ve just started learning about Him, so I need more time.” She also shared that at first she didn’t enjoy coming to the church services, but now something has changed. She’s noticed that the people at church are very happy, and that makes her happy too.
In the States, it seems that most people I’ve interacted with are either not interested in talking about Christianity or already have reasons for not wanting to talk about God. With Ashley, she just hasn’t even heard about Him until recently. Many of the other students here are in the same position—please pray that God would continue to work in their hearts and that they would come to know Him as their Savior.

Please pray for the mission to Saipan—for the medical mission aspect—and for the teaching as the Mitchells and Laura interact with children and adults from different countries.


Here I am

(Isaiah 58:9,11) Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. . . . And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

The most important activity in our day is our daily quiet time with the Lord Jesus Christ, who is waiting to respond with a “Here I Am” following our cry to Him.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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