AiG Ministry-Medical Team Off to Saipan

by Ken Ham on August 27, 2008

Dr. David Crandall, Director of AiG Wordwide, is thrilled to announce AiG’s first ever Ministry-Medical Team off to the field.

Please be in prayer as our Saipan Ministry-Medical Team prepares to leave the Cincinnati Airport on September 12. This is the very first such team that AiG WorldWide has sent to the mission field. Dr. Tommy Mitchell and his doctor wife Elizabeth, along with staff member Laura Perrien, will represent WorldWide in Saipan for 16 days of medical ministry and teaching ministry. The Mitchells will use their medical skills to treat pastors from China who have never seen a doctor, and local clinics will be organized to meet the needs of the local people and teach them the truths of God’s Word. Laura will assist the team in organization and in minor medical areas along with Dr./Mrs. Mitchell. She will also teach English as a second language and teach both in the Christian school and college.
Dr. Mitchell will speak to all of the international students daily at Eucon University and speak at the church fellowship on several occasions.
The footprint of WorldWide continues to increase its global impact with the message of biblical authority and creation presented through this unique ministry of medicine and outreach.

Heritage Bank Visits AiG

AiG has been thrilled at the relationship developed with a local community bank, Heritage Bank. The godly board of directors stepped in to help AiG last year in some very special ways (a real answer to prayer) to enable the Creation Museum to open on time. Since then, AiG has had an ongoing, developing relationship with this bank that is unique in the friendly service it offers customers. Whether one has $100 or $1,000,000 in the bank—all customers are treated in the same way.

Heritage Bank representatives, including the chairman of the board, visited AiG yesterday at our request to explain their banking services to staff. It was also a time where I could personally thank the bank in front of the staff for the tremendous ways they have helped support the mission of AiG.

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When you visit the Creation Museum, you will find a Heritage Bank ATM in the front portico.


Based only on

(Joshua 21:45) There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass. That we will have a good future in Heaven is not based on our fears or questions, but, only on the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ to keep His promise.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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