Speaking at “The Cove”

by Ken Ham on August 23, 2008

This weekend, Mally and I are at the Billy Graham Retreat Center in North Carolina, called “The Cove.” I am the conference speaker for this weekend. This is one of the most beautiful places we have ever stayed. I have included two photographs taken on the back deck of the log cabin we are staying in.


I spoke once Friday night, then will give two presentations plus a question time today—then Sunday morning. Please be in prayer for this time.


I just had to include two photographs taken at the Creation Museum this week—I just continually praise God for what He has done with the museum and grounds.



We received this from a supporter after Dr. Jason Lisle and I spoke at a Colorado Springs conference recently:

Thanks again so much for your ministry. On Sunday, we had our youth pastor and senior pastor watch the ‘flood initiation’ video [it’s shown in the Creation Museum] and they loved it. Lexie was VERY determined to get Ken’s autograph for her dad from the moment we got to the seminar. Your materials are first rate (amen!) and you were both easy to listen to and understand and we really felt blessed. God bless you and your families!
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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