A Dragon Bookworm?

by Ken Ham on July 27, 2008

I have included two photographs of the new dragon sculpture that will be installed in the Dragon Hall Bookstore in about a couple of months. Congratulations to sculptor Jessie Pie (and other sculptors at AiG) for this remarkable job! bookstore-dinosaur-2 bookstore-dinosaur-1

500,000 THIS WEEK

Sometime this week, the half-millionth visitor to the Creation Museum since opening almost 14 months ago will walk through the door. People keep pouring in to the Creation Museum day after day.


I have included a photograph of two visitors from the UK who came over for the Branson Defending the Faith conference and then visited the Creation Museum before returning home. We are finding visitors keep coming from all over the world!


More secular media visited the Creation Museum this past week—I’ll tell you more about that in the next couple of days.


I am traveling home from Denver today after speaking at a conference in Colorado Springs. On Tuesday evening I will be speaking at Pensacola Christian College (at a meeting open to the public). You can find out more information from our events calendar on the website.

Then next week, I travel to India with Dr. David Crandall (director of AiG Worldwide)! I will be speaking at a university, then doing seven sessions for a conference that is being videotaped to be translated into Hindi and Telugu. I then speak in a church on Sunday before returning home! Dr. Crandall will also be speaking. You can find out more information from our events calendar.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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