500 “Gideon Kids” at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on July 25, 2008

It was an unusually busy day inside the Creation Museum and AiG headquarters. As well as the usual 1500 or so museum visitors for a Thursday, buses pulled into the Creation Museum yesterday with nearly 500 young people of the families of those involved in a Gideon convention in Louisville (one-and-a-half hours southwest of us) this week.

I've included a number of photographs of the Gideon kids including some of the buses they traveled on.

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Marci Northum (second from the left in the photograph) of San Diego, California, visited the Creation Museum on Thursday. When we lived in that city’s eastern suburb of Santee more than 15 years ago, she was the kindergarten teacher of our daughter, Danielle, at a local Christian school. She was also the teacher of Jonathan Looy–he is the tall young man in the photo who is spending the summer here working in our web department—and is the son of Mark (far left) and Renee (second from the right and partially hidden) of our staff. Also in the photo–taken in the portico of the museum—are family members she has been visiting who live in western Kentucky.


It was great to see Marci again (we used to attend the same church back in California)—she also met with Danielle yesterday for a few minutes. Marci called the museum “amazing” and is back this morning (Friday) to see the rest of the museum.


On Thursday, the Academic Dean of Cincinnati Christian University (located just a few miles away) gave a challenging devotion to our staff for their Thursday morning staff meeting.


The president of this university has spoken to the AiG staff in the past.

We also had another very special visitor Thursday that I will tell you about tomorrow.


I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that Thursday was Buddy Davis’s 59th birthday. At the staff meeting Thursday morning, I presented Buddy with a special gift. Buddy loved TV’s “Crocodile Hunter” (Steve Irwin). I think Buddy always fancied himself as another Steve Irwin wrestling with crocodiles. Well, I presented Buddy with his own Steve Irwin doll!! It was a fun gift—Buddy can press a button and still hear the late Steve Irwin make some of his favorite statements (like “Crocs rule”). I have included a photograph of me making the presentation to Buddy.



Well being a proud grandfather, I had to include some special photos of our grandkids.

1. Granddaughter Kylie (4th grandchild) turned 2 on Wednesday. I’ve included two photographs of her—one with her after blowing out her two candles.

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2. Grandson Noah (3rd grandchild) turned 5 on Tuesday. I’ve included a photograph of him after blowing out his candles.


3. All four grandchildren: Noah (alias, “Batman”); Katherine; Kylie; and Malachi



Today I am flying to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to speak at a conference tomorrow (Saturday—though, the conference began Wednesday evening). You can obtain further information from the AiG events calendar.



(Jos 1:3) Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.

The knowledge that we are sent by God to preach His Gospel to the lost overshadows our feelings of being out of place or of not being welcomed by the lost.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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