AiG-Authored Books Featured at Convention

by Ken Ham on July 21, 2008

The leading creation book publisher in the world, Master Books (a part of the New Leaf publishing group), recently featured a number of AiG-authored books at the annual Christian Booksellers Convention, now called the International Christian Retail Show (ICRS), in Florida last week.

AiG does self-publish a limited number of items (such as certain curricula—and some specialist items), which Master Books distributes, but the majority of books authored by AiG writers are published by Master Books.

Christian wholesalers and retailers from all over the world (including my homeland of Australia), came to this convention. Tim Dudley, the president of Master Books reports that the AiG-authored New Answers Book and the new New Answers Book 2 were real hits. (These can be purchased from AiG’s Online bookstore.) In fact, these are by far the leading creation apologetics books in the world today. The New Answers Book 1, as far as we can all ascertain, is the biggest-selling and most-read creation apologetics book available in the world today. We believe the New Answers Book 2 will also be another bestseller—it is already quickly moving off the shelves in the Dragon Hall bookstore at our Creation Museum as quickly as New Answers Book 1. AiG does offer a special price for both books from the online bookstore.

As well as getting AiG-authored resources into Christian bookstores, Master Books is able to get some of these resources into secular stores (like Barnes and Noble, Wal-mart, etc.).

I have included three photographs from this convention:

1. The New Leaf sign showing they feature AiG-authored books


2. A section of the exhibit showing the two New Answers Books being displayed (and showing the “better side” of Tim Dudley as he worked at the booth!)


3. More creation books featured, including the new pictorial walk through the Creation Museum that will be available soon—this will not only be a wonderful reminder for people of their visit to the Creation Museum, but a teaching tool, great coffee table conversation starter, and a great advertisement (that will go all over the world) for the Creation Museum. Imagine what this book can also do to promote the Creation Museum when it starts appearing in Christian bookstores across the USA and around the world!


I also want to thank the President of New Leaf/Master Books publicly for his generous support of AiG in enabling us to do some very special things for missionaries, Third World countries, etc. in relation to getting resources into people’s hands.


Speaking of the New Answers Book—at church on Sunday, a museum staff member told me of a recent incident in which a man (after lots of pressure from his mother) came to the Creation Museum. He was a Christian but had compromised on Genesis and came to visit as a skeptic ready to scoff. He not only was challenged by the message of the museum but obtained the New Answers Book. After reading this, he got on his knees and repented!


If you go to the front page of the AiG website, on the right, towards the bottom, you will see a heading “Today’s Best Sellers.” After the top three bestsellers, you will see a link to “More best sellers.” If you click on this you will see a list of the top 15 bestsellers through the online bookstore. This list can change on a daily basis—and when there is a brand new product, it usually becomes number one for a while. However, you will notice that the Answers magazine and the set of the New Answers Book 1 and the New Answers Book 2 are top sellers. In fact, Answers magazine was a top seller (and has consistently remained so) even before the first issue was printed! You see, once we told people we were producing such a magazine and they could subscribe to it, subscriptions started pouring in before anyone even saw an issue! Quite remarkable really.

Answers magazine has basically been in the top sellers list ever since—and, of course, it is growing in popularity every day. After only a little over two years, subscriptions are around 70,000 with incredible testimonies coming in almost on a daily basis. This is the leading and most read creation/apolgetics magazine in the world. Quite an effort for AiG’s talented graphic designers/artists and Dale Mason (VP of Media and Marketing), who pioneered and oversees this publication! Congratulations, Dale.

The current Answers magazine issue is themed around the topic of “The Wonders of Creation.” The next issue for October–December is themed around “Global Warming” and “The History and Future of our World.” Don’t miss out on Answers—subscribe today through AiG’s website. How about (like hundreds and hundreds do each year) considering a gift subscription for someone?

Also, you can subscribe to Answers magazine no matter what country you live in. AiG has subscribers in the U.K./Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, etc. You can obtain a foreign subscription at this link (make sure you choose the proper country/continent).


In April 16–28, 2009, Dr. David Crandall and his wife, other AiG personnel, and me and my wife Mally will be part of AiG’s tour of Israel. You can view a detailed itinerary at the link given below—but I wanted to give you some additional information:

Each bus will have its own AiG person (like Mark Looy, Carl Kerby, Dr. Crandall, or me etc., and we rotate among the buses) and a professional Messianic Jewish Guide—licensed by Israel as required by law. The busload will number 40 people—each bus holds 53, but we only take 40 per bus to make it more comfortable for everyone. That group of 40 will stay together for the entire trip. The buses will stagger their departures and schedules so that we don’t all arrive at the same spot at the same time. The entire group will have breakfast and dinner together at the hotel each day. Everyone will get to know their 40 fellow passengers very well as well as their guide (everyone will think their guide is the best!) I will speak in Jerusalem three times—as the hotel we stay in there has a conference center. Dr. Crandall will pass out a booklet that has all of the relevant Scriptures for each site we visit.

So, during the day it will seem very much like a private 40-person tour, and during the time in the hotel it will feel like you are part of a larger AiG group.

We already have at least one bus filled—and we’ve only started advertising recently. For more information, go to:


Tomorrow I have a meeting (along with others at AiG) with a professional group that are putting together a headset audio program of the Creation Museum. These headsets will be available by Spring 2009 and will be given to each person who visits the Creation Museum. Not only will there be more explanation of the exhibits, but extra teaching and fascinating information to make a Creation Museum visit even more powerfully impacting!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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