AiG Message Getting into Slovakia

by Ken Ham on July 18, 2008

Many of you will recall the International Training Seminar conducted at AiG as part of the AiG WorldWide division headed by Dr. Crandall.We brought Christian leaders from a number of different countries to AiG to train them and provide them with books and other resources so they can reach people in their countries with the creation gospel message. We’ve received many fantastic reports from those who participated—this one is from Jan Shichula from Slovakia:

You will hardly believe what I have to share in this section, but it is all true. Can you imagine that I was in United States in April this year? Let me explain how that could happen in detail. Creation ministry Answers in Genesis is having a fantastic international vision. Dr. Crandall is heading [the] international side of AiG’s ministry. It was he—together with Ken Ham—who got the idea to invite a small group of foreign pastors and leaders and give them [an] intensive one-week training. This was the very first time they are having such a program. I was so overwhelmed when I had received [the] invitation letter from assistant to Dr. Crandall. They paid for all the costs; the offer was simply irresistible.

During the week I had the chance to listen to and talk with most of AiG’s famous speakers. There were even plenty of opportunities to spend time in the famous Creation Museum, and let me share that it is lifetime experience. If you ever [get] a chance to visit it, do not hesitate for the moment. Some 10 participants were present all together, and we are all listed on the Ken Ham’s blog.

I departed from Vienna’s airport on Saturday, April 19, and returned on Sunday, April 27, having a very adventurous journey back, as my scheduled flight was delayed and they had to rebook me on the different route. As if all those blessings were not enough, [the] American embassy also proved very generous to me. They had awarded me a visa for 10 years with unlimited entrance—I can now travel to [the] States back and forth. . . .

I am still very excited from the stay at AiG and cherish fond memories of the event.

Jan’s progress since the training:
I have had two speaking opportunities since ITS, and more are on the way. Let me mention that I have produced an all-new Genesis relevance talk and am also revising parts of my presentations based on what I had learned at AiG. ITS is already bringing much fruit here in our ministry. Thank you, thank you. Also the illustrations library is simply superb.
If you would like to learn more about Jan’s ministry in Slovakia, you can visit the ministry’s website at I have included a photograph of Jan as I gave out the “graduation” certificates at the training seminar.


We praise the Lord for reports such as this, and we thank you for your part in this ministry—both through your prayer and financial support.


I’ve included some photographs from the Branson, Missouri, Defending the Faith Conference, taken Thursday:

1. The auditorium Thursday morning—the numbers have not dropped off!


2. Bob and Jan Thompson who head up AiG’s video conference ministry, talking to participants


3. Dr. Crandall, director of AiG’s WorldWide ministry, talking to participants about next years Israel tour


4. Lots of children in the audience like this one taking notes


5. People crowded around the book tables



We need a worldectomy

(Deu 30:6) And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.

The world is a heart tumor blocking our love for God; we need to lie down on the operating table and allow the Holy Spirit to surgically excise the world from us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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