Creation Museum to be Advertised on Fox News

by Ken Ham on July 15, 2008

This week, AiG begins a national launch of the Creation Museum’s award winning TV commercial on the Fox News channel, taking advantage of a national network that hundreds of thousands of our supporters watch on a regular basis—the number one network in news with programming like Fox and Friends. The “flight” (period in which the spots run) will be from this coming Wednesday through mid-August, which leverages the top watermark of the season for us (time of greatest attendance historically).

Right now (but keep in mind this could change because of breaking news and other events), the first time the Creation Museum commercial is scheduled to run is this Wednesday at 7:56 AM (EST) during Fox and Friends. As I said, this could change if there is breaking news. So, hopefully, this will happen at this time.

AiG’s VBS Down Under—22 Children Saved in One Church

Even churches from outside the USA ordered AiG’s incredible VBS program, Amazon Expedition. Here is a thrilling testimony from a church in Australia that used this unique, but powerful, Answers in Genesis resource:

Our church just completed the Amazon Expedition VBS yesterday. One sixth grader told me that it was the second best week of his life; he said that you can’t beat Disneyland! Your team did a fantastic job putting this together. It was basic, thorough, informative, easy to use, and lots of fun. There was a depth to Amazon Expedition that left the children with a greater understanding and appreciation for who God is and what He has done for them.

We had many unsaved families come to the . . . program and express their appreciation for what we had done for their children this week. I could write a ten-page essay on all of the positive feedback we have received from parents, children, and the workers. Thank you for providing a curriculum that is not only fun, but life changing. We had the opportunity to lead 22 children to the Lord.

AiG is already well underway with next year’s VBS dealing with SPACE!

We’re in Branson

By the time you read this, we will be in Branson for AiG’s Defending the Faith conference. You can still come and join around 2000 others! You can obtain relevant information from AiG’s event calendar.


Decision point

(Proverbs 28:13) He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

After each sin we come to a decision point of which way to follow. Man’s way to deal with sin is to deny and defend, God’s way is to confess and forsake.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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