Canadians “Invade” the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on May 7, 2008

Over 50 Canadians from First Baptist Church of Waterloo, Ontario, “invaded” the Creation Museum yesterday (see photograph). We are finding more and more that Canadians are discovering the Creation Museum, and word is spreading! AiG will also be working with this church for future ministry in Canada. I was able to spend some time with these dear people today answering some of their questions about AiG etc.



Another group, among the hundreds visiting the Creation Museum yesterday, was a group of students from Highland Adventist School in West Virginia. In fact, we had two Adventist school groups visiting.



A supporter wrote this week:

I first wanted to say how amazing this ministry and this website are in their Christian testimony and professionalism. Every time I come to this website I read about another way you are proclaiming the gospel and am equally impressed by how beautiful and easy to navigate the web layout is.
I appreciate the InSite post for today. It helps me learn about aspects of your ministry that I have not explored yet. I am a frequent customer of your DVDs, books, and have contributed with tithing as well. The one thing I think AIG could expand into is longer conversational or lecture-oriented podcasts. I always listen to the daily 2-min. podcast by the wonderful Ken Ham. However, sometimes I wish we could listen to additional lectures, Creation Museum news, debates, and other things going in with AIG in a longer podcast form. I know I would listen to them.
Actually, we are looking into ways to make available the longer audio (and video) programs on the web. In fact, we have many exciting things planned for the web for the future—so keep coming to the site!


Prepare for the Creation Museum’s Beasts of the Bog Weekend May 16–17, 2008!

What would the world be like if you were the size of an insect or small animal? What dangers would lie in brightly colored, fragrant perches? What might lie coiled below the foliage of an exotic plant? What dangers could lurk as you trek through remote environs and boggy terrain? Come on an adventure with us during our Beasts of the Bog weekend—join us for two presentations that will leave you in awe of God’s creation.

Join Ron Dudek, the Flytrap Guy, as he presents “Invasion of the Insect Snatchers,” a look at carnivorous plants like the Venus Fly Trap and Pitcher Plant. How do flying creatures get lured into these traps, and why can’t they get out? Is this how God designed them, or has something happened since Day 3 of creation, when God looked at all the created plants and saw that they were all good? Learn the answers to these and other questions about plants that eat creatures, learn how to raise your own Venus Fly Trap, and earn a “Doctorate in Flytrapology” [Guests 12 and under]. This is a fascinating journey into a mysterious realm where plants turn predator!

Shows at 6:00, 7:00, and 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 16, and at 11:00 a.m., 12:00, 1:00, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 17. Tickets cost $1.50 with Museum Admission.

Then join Rick Teepen, herpetologist, with the ever popular “Snakes Alive!” program (a look at reptiles from God’s perspective). What words come to mind when you imagine a snake? Slimy? Slithery? Dangerous? Perhaps you have seen a snake in your own backyard and either ran away in fear or leaned in for a closer look, but most of us have never encountered one, let alone touched one.

That can change when you visit the Creation Museum to see “Snakes Alive!” With six snakes, a bearded dragon, and a wealth of knowledge to share with parents and children alike, Mr. Teepen reminds all of us that even snakes were created by God. “And just what is a bearded dragon?” you may ask. Come to the Creation Museum and find out! Shows are at 6:00, 7:00, and 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 16, and at 11:00 a.m., 12:00, 1:00, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 17. Tickets cost $1.50 with Museum Admission.


He alone knows and controls

(Job 23:10) But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

God alone knows the measure & depth of the dross of disloyalty & insincerity in our lives; He alone controls the heat and duration of the furnace to drive it out.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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