AiG in Wales

by Ken Ham on March 30, 2008

The first conference I am speaking at for this UK speaking tour is in the nation of Wales. This is the country that has a flag with a dragon on it. In fact, I often use a picture of the Welsh flag in my dinosaur lecture when talking about dragon legends and dinosaurs!

The conference is at a Christian center. It is in a series of buildings that were used many years ago for a truant boy’s school. The AiG conference basically maxed out the facility.

The Christians at this conference are so concerned about the state of this nation, and they see the AiG ministry as being at the cutting edge of dealing with the foundational problem of the loss of biblical authority—particularly as a result of rife compromise on Genesis in the church (even in much of the conservative church). On Saturday at the prayer meeting before the day’s sessions, I was deeply moved by these sincere dedicated Christians praying so earnestly from the heart, crying out to the Lord for this nation. I can’t describe the experience—it was very moving!

I have included a photograph of some of the people in the dining hall.


One lady told me of a non-Christian friend of hers to whom she gave a copy of our book, How Could a Loving God . . . ? (dealing with the death and suffering issue). When the husband saw the wife with this book, he suggested they read it together and read it out loud! One never knows how the Lord uses AiG material to reach people.

Many told us they intend on visiting AiG’s Creation Museum—I expect we will see a number of them at the museum in the next year. One man asked if he can bring his son over to the museum (at their own expense), so they can volunteer for a couple of weeks doing whatever they can to help.

Every time I come to this nation, the Lord burdens me for this culture—and burdens me for the dedicated few Christians (just a remnant) who so desire to see the population reached with the message of the authority of God’s Word and the gospel.

Please pray for the entire speaking tour—it is quite exhausting doing all the traveling, talking, answering questions, and so on. On Monday, I will be speaking to two classes at a high school. These are not easy sessions to do.


We continue to receive great feedback about Answers magazine:

We receive several magazines at our house. Our favorite is Answers! One reason we love it so much is the refreshment and education we get to help us become better Christians. Another reason came out when our last issue arrived. You see, in our house, every magazine that arrives must be looked through by Mom first to be checked for inappropriate advertising, pictures or articles—yes, all magazines are censored by Mom first!

However, when the last issue of Answers arrived, my 11 year old son was looking through the pile of mail and saw it and with great joy, exclaimed, “Oh good—I know I can be the first to open this one because I know there’s nothing bad in here!” Thank you for the breath of fresh air that arrives in our mailbox 4 times a year!

If you don’t yet subscribe to the world’s leading creation/worldview family magazine (for the WHOLE family—with a special children’s pullout mini-magazine), then you can subscribe now through the AiG website.


Over 5,700 people visited the Creation Museum this past Friday and Saturday! Praise the Lord—and pray for our hard-working guest relations, café, housekeeping, and other AiG staff who look after all these people as they pour through this unique Bible teaching facility. With over 350,000 guests in ten months, we are certainly on track to get to 400,000 visitors by the 12 month anniversary.


Look for our movie review of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed tomorrow on the AiG website. Expelled is a great film (I’ve seen it twice now). Although coming to theaters on April 18, you should be contacting your church leaders right now to ask them to promote the film. Send your pastor our movie review tomorrow.


There I will meet

(Exo 25:22) And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony

There is only one place where we as sinners can meet God and it is at the Cross under the protection of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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