The Great Debate

by Ken Ham on February 24, 2008

Over the past few months, I have received a lot of positive feedback about the DVD set entitled The Great Debate. This was a debate videoed by John Ankerberg for his TV program where our astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle and I debated a well-known progressive creationist and a theologian concerning the six days of creation, age of earth, etc.We made the debate series available, and added a LOT of extra material from AiG's Dr. Terry Mortenson. Terry gives many more detailed answers (you can click at the appropriate place on the DVD and hear Terry give this information) than we were able to give during the actual debate because of time restrictions, etc.

When I received another email about this series at the end of last week, I thought I would share this email and once again bring this Debate series to your attention, as it is a great tool to teach you how to answer those in the church who deny the six literal days, young earth, etc. You can obtain this set from the AiG online bookstore.

The email stated:

I just watched Part 1 of "The Great Debate" and commend you both for your preparedness and "gracefilled" attitude. Two things struck a chord. First, that it's painfully obvious why these men take this stance about the creation week. They couldn't see the "billions of years" influence even when you pointed it out to them. Second, with all the talk about context, the "scholars" miss the most important contextual point of all. Our God is the LORD of all, whether our IQ is 25 or 225! If we view Scripture through the eyes of the "babes" among us, we'll probably get closer to His truth ...

I heard great excitement from the people in Georgia who attended the final day of the AiG conference yesterday (see photographs) in Evans (Augusta). LOTS of resources were obtained, and I believe these will have a great effect on people's lives in this area.


I speak at West Acres Baptist Church this morning -- and then on to our next mission!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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