Hear Our Interview About the Expelled Movie

by Ken Ham on February 23, 2008

On Wednesday, I wrote a blog item after being given a preview on the new movie ‘Expelled—No Intelligence Allowed’ that will hit the theaters April 18. If you haven’t read this blog, I encourage you to go back and read my comments about what we believe is going to be a very important movie for all to see.

After the special preview, reporter Chad Bresson for the CDR radio network interviewed me to get my comments about this movie. You can listen to this interview as this link. http://www.thepath.fm/cyberradio/media/pathasx.cfm/fp_20080220.asx


A few days ago, I wrote a blog item about a young man who gave his testimony to the audience attending the AiG drama presentation of Gomer in the theater at the Creation Museum. This man told how he ended up in a homeless shelter, was shown an AiG video and given one of our books, and became a Christian. We recorded this testimony (it is only about one and a half minutes long) so you could listen to it—really powerful! You will be so encouraged at how the Lord uses the AiG ministry in people’s lives. You can listen to this testimony by clicking the play button below.


AiG has extensive jail ministry, sending booklets, DVD’s, magazines, books etc. to chaplains and others for use in ministering to prisoners. Last night, before the first session of the AiG Georgia conference near Augusta, a man came up to me and said he wanted to thank me. He said he was in prison (released 2 years ago) and watched some of my videos and it gave him a foundation for coming to Christ. He said he couldn’t thank AiG enough for changing his life. Of course, we all gave praise to the Creator God and rejoiced as the angels in Heaven do when someone is saved.

Yesterday we spoke to over 2000 students for the morning and afternoon sessions in Evans, Georgia. Last night over 1000 people attended the evening sessions (see photograph). We continue with the Georgia conference today, and then Sunday morning I speak at the two morning services at the host church (West Acres Baptist Church).


One lady introduced me to her son who wants to be a creation scientist—she heard me when she was a young girl and now she is bringing up her children on AiG material. Many families told me they are making plans this year to come to the Creation Museum. Lots of great testimonies as people spoke to me. Please continue to pray for the Georgia meetings.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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