The Lie and a Five Year Old

by Ken Ham on February 6, 2008

It was fascinating to read the testimony of a person who attended the Lancaster, California, AiG conference recently. He explained how my book The Lie (which has been in print for over 20 years now) even influenced him as a five year old! You will have to read his testimony below to learn how this happened:

[This] comment is regarding Ken’s recent Lancaster visit . . . I was reminded of my first exposure to the AIG message which was in The Lie. Not that I read it ([at] 5 years old), but my mom did and passed on the point of the book to me.

I don't remember being taught evolution in public school, per se, but remember thinking things like, “I bet that beetle evolved from a rhinoceros.” So, obviously I had absorbed something. Later at my Christian school . . . I remember hearing from teachers that theistic evolution/gap theory was not necessarily incompatible with the Bible. I didn’t think there was any reason to believe in theistic evolution (TE) but didn’t have an answer as to why TE was harmful. I do now many times over. You are, and I hope you continue to be, my heroes. Thanks and God bless you.


This coming weekend, Carl Kerby and I will be speaking at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, California. I will be speaking at the Saturday evening and Sunday morning services (same message at each), then totally different messages for Sunday evening and Monday evening. We will also be speaking at two student meetings Monday morning and Monday afternoon.

Over the entire weekend, we expect to speak to over 5,000 different people. Please be in prayer for these meetings. We have also shipped out six pallets of resources for this conference.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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