Answers Magazine—Gets Better and Better

by Ken Ham on February 1, 2008

With subscriptions climbing over 60,000, Answers magazine has really taken off and is growing daily! One subscriber sent this recently:

I also wanted you to know that you have done an amazing job with the Answers magazine. I had my doubts about the changes, but you have put them all to rest. It keeps getting better and better with each issue. It’s fabulous! Keep up the good work. We hope to visit the museum this summer. I have been beside myself in anticipation. Can't wait!!!!

And you shouldn’t wait any longer if you haven’t subscribed to the world’s leading creation/worldview magazine—suitable for the WHOLE family (with a center lift-out for young children).


Dr. Tommy Mitchell (fairly new to AiG, but quickly becoming a very popular speaker), conducted a series of meetings for an Answers in Genesis conference at Grace Baptist Temple in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, last weekend with capacity crowds for all three Sunday sessions—and the two Monday evening sessions included many visitors. In fact, the Sunday night crowd was so large that it was standing room only.

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During the breaks many shared with Dr. Mitchell how the ministry of Answers in Genesis had strengthened their walk with the Lord.

In addition to the sessions at the church, Dr. Mitchell spoke to a group of medical students and faculty at Bowman Gray School of Medicine. These members of the Christian Medical and Dental Society were enthusiastic, asking insightful questions during the question and answer time! “I'm glad there are people out there helping Christians deal with these issues,” commented one student.

Even with all that had transpired, one final blessing remained. Late Monday evening, Dr. Mitchell and his wife were returning to their hotel. As they entered the elevator, another couple came through the door of the hotel and hurried into the elevator. In greeting these folks, Dr. Mitchell discovered the gentleman was a pastor from Tennessee who was visiting and preaching at a local church. This pastor was very interested in the creation conference Dr. Mitchell has just finished. Even at that late hour, Dr. Mitchell spent a half hour or so sharing about Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. Before parting, the pastor told Dr. Mitchell that he wants to visit the museum and asked how he might have a conference at his church. We praise God for the opportunity to share the AiG message!


AiG and the Creation Museum continue to see the secular and Christian press visiting or calling for interviews and producing various kinds of news reports on the ministry. I don't include all these in my blogs, but here are links to just a few of the recent ones:

Baptist Press:

Sci-Tech: (Dr. Georgia Purdom of AiG quoted a few times in this article):



My seminar in Americus, GA, was helpful for many people. Sunday morning after my talks on dinosaurs and on why creation and the age of the earth matter, a medical doctor bought the Library Pack for his family. He and his wife came to all my talks and then took me out to dinner after the last talk Tuesday night. They were so appreciative of the teaching. After my Sunday talks an ophthalmologist told me that he had heard Ken Ham at a homeschool convention in Atlanta recently. He thanked me for the help AiG materials have been to him and his family. He especially was glad that AiG explains why this issue is so important.

On Monday I spoke at a luncheon for 28 lay leaders and pastors from 5–6 churches of several denominations, and I was told that a number of the people were of an old-earth persuasion. In my 45-min talk while people ate, I went into considerable detail about how the acceptance of millions of years undermines the Bible’s teaching on death, the gospel, and the nature of God and thereby undermines biblical authority. We had good discussion in the Q&A time. Afterwards several pastors thanked me, and the hosting pastor said he thought everyone went away challenged and thoughtful. A Presbyterian pastor told me that he has been a young-earth creationist for a long time, but my talk helped him see that he didn’t know how to defend his belief. He bought 5 DVDs to learn more.

Many others, both young and old, expressed appreciation for the teaching and a good amount of books and videos were purchased. Several people from other churches in that part of Georgia asked how they could get an AiG seminar in their churches.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying—and please remember to keep all our speakers in mind as you pray for the effectiveness of this ministry in reaching lives.


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