Train up a Child

by Ken Ham on January 27, 2008

It is so encouraging to see more and more parents using AiG resources to train their children from a young age. It is sad that the militant atheists like Richard Dawkins actually call this “a kind of child abuse”---yet, such secularists want millions of children taken through a public education system where they are indoctrinated to believe in naturalism--atheistic philosophy. The Bible instructs parents to train children in the truth from a young age.

It is also important to note that Christians don’t hide evolution from their children (or shouldn’t)--even in AiG resources we explain what evolutionists believe, but then teach why they are wrong. However, evolutionists go out of their way (even to legislate) that children not even be allowed to hear about creation or hear the evidence against evolution.

I was thrilled to receive this feedback this week:

I just wanted to write to you and let you know how well used your DVD's are in my home. For Christmas we gave our son ... (age 4) the Children's DVD package. Since then, almost daily, he will ask to watch "Dinosaurs - Genesis and the Gospel". Not only will he watch it, he and his sister...(age 6) will be riding in the car and quoting from it. One of his favorite lines is: "When someone says millions of years, Ask them, Were you there?" The other thing they talk about is all the things "Mr. Ham" says. In which one will quickly say "His name is Ken Ham" Not to mention the songs they sing on their own as well.

I am very thankful that God has blessed your Ministry and equipped you to share His Word with so many people, including my children. I look forward to bringing my family to the museum and continue receive and support your Ministry.

The California Adventure Continues

Last night I spoke at the Saturday evening service (a lot of young people) at Grace Chapel in Lancaster. I have enclosed a couple of photographs.

ken-ham-lancaster-jan-2008-014.jpg ken-ham-lancaster-w1-2008.jpg

This morning (Sunday) I speak at the two morning services. I spoke at this same church two years ago, and they had overflow crowds. In fact, we also ran out of books/DVD’s. This time the church rented the fair grounds for the Sunday evening and Monday evening programs. The auditorium here seats 2000.

Please pray for the weather. Normally you think of SUNNY California (except for the smog around LA), but considerable rain is expected---authorities are concerned about mud slides in some areas.

On Monday, I speak four times to Christian school groups and Home School groups--then twice at the fair grounds in the evening.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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