Free Answers Research Journal

by Ken Ham on January 11, 2008

Answers in Genesis recently announced the live posting of a free online technical journal, Answers Research Journal.

AiG has had a burden for some time now to provide the results of cutting edge creationist research. Since Geologist Dr. Andrew A. Snelling was appointed as AiG’s Director of Research, Andrew has worked very hard to see this free research journal become a reality.

Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is a professional, peer-reviewed technical journal for the publication of interdisciplinary scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of the recent Creation and the global Flood within a biblical framework.

Editor in Chief of the Journal, Dr. Andrew Snelling states (on the ARJ website):

“There has been a pressing need for such a journal. Online publishing speeds up the publication process so that the latest cutting-edge creationist research is available more quickly. Online publication also allows for the use of color and other features that enhance the quality of the presentation. Being freely available, papers can be downloaded, copied, and shared without any restrictions, so that the research is far more easily and widely disseminated.

“This is the accelerating trend in conventional publishing. Costs of printing and mailing paper copies of journals are escalating and time-consuming in an “age” when people are clamoring for free access on a daily basis anywhere in the world to the information they want in a form that they can readily share with others. Online publishing also doesn’t have the space constraints on the sizes of papers that have, in the past, limited researchers in the reporting of their work.

“Furthermore, people want to know they can trust what is published on the Internet, which is why papers in our journal will be reviewed by the best experts we have available to us through a large network of well-qualified creationist researchers, scientists, and theologians who are the best thinkers in their fields of creationist research. Thus, we can give you absolute assurance that the papers we will be publishing in our Answers Research Journal are of the highest scientific and theological standard.

“ARJ will disseminate research conducted by creationist experts in theology, history, archaeology, anthropology, biology, geology, astronomy, and other disciplines of science by providing scientists, students, and supporters the results of cutting-edge research that demonstrates the validity of the young-earth model, the global Flood, the non-evolutionary origin of “created kinds,” and other evidences that are consistent with the biblical account of origins.”

You can link directly to the ARJ website or access it through the AiG website.

I have included below the Press Release sent out from AiG’s publicist A. Larry Ross Communications:

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PETERSBURG, Ky., Jan. 9, 2008 – Answers in Genesis today announced the live posting of its online technical journal, Answers Research Journal ( ARJ is a professional, peer-reviewed technical journal for the publication of interdisciplinary, scientific and other relevant research from the perspective of recent Creation and a global Flood. Answers in Genesis (AiG) is also the organization that opened the acclaimed Creation Museum last May – which today, just 7 months after opening, will welcome its 300,000th guest.

“It is our hope that the online publication of ARJ will encourage Christians with powerful results of the latest creationist research, providing them with new resources for use in their own research and education—and in their witnessing to the truth and authority of God’s Word,” said geologist Dr. Andrew A. Snelling, editor-in-chief.

All published papers may be freely copied, downloaded, quoted, and distributed for non-commercial and non-sale purposes (as long as the author of each publication is clearly identified, Answers Research Journal is acknowledged as the publication, and the integrity of the work is not compromised).

“There has been a pressing need for such access to the latest creationist research,” said Mark Looy, AiG’s CCO. “Papers can be freely downloaded, copied, and shared without restriction, so that the research is far more easily and widely distributed. This is the accelerating trend in conventional publishing.” Looy noted, too, that AiG’s award-winning main website,, had over 9.5 million visits (33 million page views) in 2007.

ARJ will disseminate research conducted by experts in theology, history, archaeology, anthropology, biology, geology, astronomy and other disciplines by providing scientists, students and supporters the results of cutting-edge research that demonstrates the validity of the biblical account of origins and Noah’s Flood.

Note to Editors: For additional information or interview requests, please contact Melany Ethridge of A. Larry Ross Communications at 972.267.1111.

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