The Christian World and the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on December 29, 2007

Over the past few months since the opening of the Creation Museum, I have noticed something very interesting—not surprising—but very sad at the same time.

The secular world (media, secular institutions, etc) have bombarded AiG and the Creation Museum with requests for interviews—in fact, they still contact us on almost a daily basis.

Now we certainly have had our share of publicity from Christian outlets: American Family Radio, Bott Radio Network, Coral Ridge Ministries, Liberty University, and so on. We do appreciate our friends from these Christian organizations, and various others as well.

However, it is true to say that the secular world has generally shown more interest in the opening of the Creation Museum than much of the Christian world. This hit me again as I read an article in the current Christianity Today.

Keep in mind that in a recent blog I shared that Time magazine put the Creation Museum as one of the 10 biggest religious stories of 2007 and that the satirical Mad Magazine included the Creation Museum in its list of the ‘dumbest people events and things’ of 2007.

Recently Christianity Today published its list of the top 10 religious stories of 2007 (excerpted below*)—and the Creation Museum doesn’t rank a mention. But that is not surprising given that the editorial board of Christianity Today is certainly not known for supporting the literal Genesis position!!

The interesting thing is that, overall, the secular world actually sees the importance of the Creation Museum more than a lot of the Christian world. The secular world views the Museum as a direct assault on secular humanism at its foundation—but much of the Christian world has so compromised with the secular world in this area, that they don’t understand how important the Creation Museum is in that battle for the authority of God’s Word in the culture.

However, despite the reluctance of much of the Christian world to see the Creation Museum for its vital significance, the message is spreading through the Christian community as thousands of people attend the Museum (attendance is at about 290,000 visitors after 7 months!). As those people go back to their churches, Christian organizations, etc., they will begin to put pressure on the top leadership of those organizations—and we are already seeing that happen. The more this pressure is put on, the more the Christian world will have to take notice—and of course, most of all, we want the Christian world to stand on the authority of God’s Word and stand against the evolutionary secular humanism of this age that is destroying church and culture.

For more about how the media have covered the museum, read Mark Looy’s web article, The media year in review—the Creation Museum 2007

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


* Excerpt from the Christianity Today 12/26 press release:

Christianity Today's Top Ten Religion News Stories:

  1. Taliban takes Korean mission team hostage, killing two
  2. Atheists Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens top the bestseller charts
  3. Presidential campaigns start early, with some faith-related surprises
  4. Wife of famed evangelist Billy Graham dies at 87
  5. Anglican Communion fractures over Scripture, homosexuality
  6. Three Christians tortured and killed in eastern Turkey
  7. Leaders of the Religious Right Jerry Falwell and D. James Kennedy die
  8. President of the Evangelical Theological Society returns to Catholicism
  9. Campaign to oust National Association of Evangelicals' Richard Cizik fails
  10. Supreme Court upholds 2003 federal partial-birth abortion ban

You can find the full list with commentary on their website.

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