Christmas Celebration at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on December 11, 2007

If you can possibly do this, you need to visit the Creation Museum in December to see the very special Christmas exhibits/decorations designed by our Creation Museum design team. I’ve included a few photographs of some of what has been designed and produced for the Creation Museum celebrations.

The Creation Museum also has some very special programs including the release of the new Planetarium exhibit on the Bethlehem star.

Don’t miss out on these exciting and unique events. Detailed information can be found on the Creation Museum website.

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AiG popular speaker Carl Kerby sent me the following very encouraging email:

“Ken, this is a follow up to your blog a short time ago on results from when I was in Missouri speaking. Remember I shared with you how I had dinner one night with a supporter whose brother had many questions. As a result of spending time and answering questions from his brother-in-law . . . he received the Lord . . . and he sent this to me yesterday.”
“Carl, greetings from NW Arkansas! My sister called and said that her and [name] will be getting baptized soon. Have heard some different family members talking about attending [the AiG meeting in Branson next year] and sure is nice to see the Lord at work in their lives.”
Carl continues:
“What an encouragement to see someone who we’ve had the opportunity of sharing with now following the Lord in baptism. I’m praying we’ll be able to visit with them when we get to Branson. I’d love for you to meet him personally.

“Also, I spoke in the church that you’ll be in next February. We had over 300 middle school/high school kids attend. The pastor wanted me to cover ‘Racism’ for them. What a response. One told me that it was the best hour he’d ever spent in church in his 15 years of being a Christian. He’d learned more then than any other time he could remember. Parents came to me asking for more materials so they could learn as well. They are VERY excited about your coming. . . . God bless; stay focused and obedient!”

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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