AiG at Sugar Creek

by Ken Ham on November 19, 2007

On Sunday, I spoke four times at Sugar Creek, Ohio. This is the heart of Amish/Mennonite communities in this area—and the whole area is a big tourist destination.

We were thrilled that at short notice (the church only had one month to prepare because of a change in my schedule enabling me to do this) hundreds turned out for these presentations (see photographs). Not only did many from the local community attend, but people drove from many hours away. I met families from Cleveland, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), West Virginia, and so on.

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I was also thrilled to have many relate testimonies to me of how this ministry has affected their lives and the lives of others they have contact with.

Today Mally and I will drive 5–6 hours across to Indianapolis where I will be speaking to a few hundred Lutheran pastors and teachers (600–800 are expected). Speaking to such a group is, in essence, speaking to thousands of people, as they are Christian leaders who themselves reach many people each year.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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