Josiah Did That which Was Right

by Ken Ham on November 5, 2007

Director of AiG worldwide, Dr. David Crandall spoke at the Chinese and English Sunday morning services of the church where the AiG conferences were held this past Friday and Saturday. I have a photograph of Dr. Crandall as he is being translated by the pastor, Dr. Wei. I also enclose a photograph of AiG staff members Paul and Ben as they were videoing the service (they videoed the six programs on creation apologetics that I gave as they were translated into Chinese). At these programs, we also released our children’s book on the “race” issue that was translated into Chinese (see photograph). And I also have included a photograph of the sunset taken from our hotel room last night.

Dr. Crandall spoke on 2 Kings 22–23 on the boy King Josiah. He specifically spoke on how Josiah did what was right before the Lord and how the priests found the book of the law—and what an effect that had on Josiah and all he did. There was great response from the people who attended the service.

It was a thrill for Mally and me to sit through the Chinese service and hear the hymns we know so well sung in Chinese. Even though we didn’t understand the language, we sensed a oneness with these dear people as they worshiped the Lord. It was also a very special blessing for us to partake of communion with the Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, American, and other people present at the service. What a oneness we have in Christ.

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The number of countries from which AiG has received e-mails is now up to 95. The two new ones for October were Monaco and Panama.

Today the team finishes packing up all the video equipment to send back to the USA. And a little (just a little) R & R before we leave.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying

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