AiG report from Japan

by Ken Ham on September 23, 2007

Carl Kerby has been on the run in Japan. In a country where it is estimated that less than 0.1% are Christians, and a country often called the ‘missionaries graveyard,’—Carl Kerby has been doing real pioneer evangelism. Here is part of his report—and please carefully read the sentences I have bolded—this is a great burden to us:

I’m exhausted but, running on adrenaline at the moment. I spoke once last night then four times today. That’s a typical schedule. In the five meetings my guess is there were around 1500 people. Pastor Folds was very encouraged by the group last night plus the number of visitors both days. My secretary gave them a transcript of my talk about about a month ago and they had it translated. I spoke as if I was speaking in an English speaking church and they put the Japanese subtitles up on two screens in the sanctuary corresponding with my speaking.
This is a VERY international church that Pat [our Creation Museum exhibit designer] and Sakae-san attended while in Japan. I spoke to people from India, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Fiji, England, Australia, America, plus others that I can’t remember. There was also a professional baseball player in attendance as well members of numerous embassies. The response to the message was fantastic. Lots of folks were buying materials. The Japanese Creation ministry brought some Japanese Answers Books and The Lie. There are only two of The Lie left now. They don’t have the money to reprint it so it is essentially sold out. I had so many questions and opportunities to share. One man, Pat’s friend from Iran, spent nearly 30 minutes with me after the last session asking questions. He told me he’d had these questions for so long. You just can’t believe how happy he was to get answers to the “race” and “radiometric dating” issues. So encouraging. It reminded me of myself when I first heard this message. Another lady came up to me so excited. After hearing the message she went to a shop to eat lunch. She engaged a lady in conversation about what she had just heard. That lady is now going to go to church with her.
Masami [Carl’s Wife] got to witness to four of her dearest friends in the world. These are all ladies she worked with long before she was a Christian. All of them came to the church, one heard me speak. Afterwards Masami shared the Gospel with her for 2 hours! Masami was so excited, it really touched me. I get up early tomorrow to catch a bus for another place and then leave the day after to come back. I can’t wait to show you the video with Ken and me speaking Japanese. You’ll love our “voices”!
God bless, Carl Kerby.
Well, the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few! There is such need around the world—pray that the Lord will continue to raise up supporters (prayer and financial) for AiG to continue to do such ministry and to be able to provide resources for such countries so in need of hearing the gospel. Please also pray with me for the Lord to provide for more copies of The Lie in Japanese to be reprinted.

Saturday was another busy day at the Creation Museum—over 2500 visitors! Pray for our Guest Relations and other Creation Museum staff—they work hard and long hours!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying—and please pray especially for the church in Japan and the Creation Ministry in that very needy country.


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