Special salvation testimony at AiG Family Camp

by Ken Ham on July 9, 2007

My brother Stephen (almost 20 years younger than me) has arrived in the U.S.A. to speak with me at the upcoming Christian Home Educators conference in Louisville, Kentucky this coming weekend July 13-14, and also our Answers Family Camp July 18-22.

A friend of the Ham family, Terry Cave, also came over with Stephen, and he will be giving his testimony as part of Stephen’s presentation at the Family Camp. Steve has developed a powerful small group Bible study program called Answers for Life, and he will be talking about this program (that AiG will also be publishing) at Family Camp. The Answers for Life program is based on a creation evangelism approach, and Stephen has seen a number of people saved as a result of this special outreach. Terry is one of those who came from a total non-Christian background in Australia but was saved through Stephen’s use of the Answers for Life program, and he will give his testimony at Family Camp. The Answers for Life course starts in Genesis with a creation apologetics component, then clearly presents the gospel—the Lord used this to bring Terry to the salvation in Christ.

I have included a photograph of Terry at the Creation Museum this past Saturday, standing with Martin Luther—the man who started the reformation to call the church back to the authority of the Word of God.


Hundreds of people have already booked a spot at this year’s Family Camp which also features another special guest, apologist Dr. Brian Edwards from England. If you haven’t already registered for this Family Camp, I urge you to do so, as we have a great lineup of speakers (and also special children’s programs) to teach young and old how to defend the Christian faith in today’s world. Brian Edwards (who is a fantastic communicator) will teach us how to answer questions about supposed contradictions in the Bible, and how we can know the Bible is the Word of God, where it came from, etc.

Those attending the Family Camp also receive a free annual pass to the Creation Museum, and of course will have opportunities to spend time at the Creation Museum during the Camp program. So, if you haven’t registered, I urge you to do so now as there is still some room to fit you in.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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