Creation Museum not “white elephant”

by Ken Ham on July 6, 2007

In the months leading up to the Creation Museum opening, I heard of Christians who were not only skeptical and critical of the Creation Museum, but some even suggested the museum would be a white elephant—that it wouldn’t be successful and so on!

Well, the museum has been opened just over four weeks. Including the opening week, over 65,000 have now visited the museum. On Thursday there were nearly 2,500! I’ve included a photograph showing some of the people and the long lines that went outside the building at one stage. Even the Christian skeptics will have to acknowledge God’s blessing on this unique facility that stands on the authority of God’s Word and proclaims the gospel.

As I walked around the museum today, I had so many people telling me they would be coming back with friends and close relatives. One family wanted my photograph with their daughter who just graduated from high school and asked to come to the Creation Museum for her graduation present. A pastor told me he was going back to bring his youth group—and the whole church.

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Indian Children’s Choir visits Creation Museum

Attached is a picture of the Indian Children’s Choir and its leaders that was taken at the Creation Museum on Thursday. The Choir director sent us an email after their visit:
“The India Children’s Choir is a ministry of Bibles for the World [BFTW] in Colorado Springs, CO. BFTW was founded by Dr. Rochunga Pudaite, a gentleman from Northeast India. The Hmar people (the tribe the children are from) were fierce headhunters. In 1910, a missionary mailed a gospel of John to the Hmar chief. The chief invited the missionary to come and explain the Scriptures. He went, and five young tribesmen became Christians. The converts in turn spread the Gospel to the entire tribe and as a result, today the Hmar people are 98% Christian.

“Chawnga, one of the original converts, desired to have a son who could learn to read and write and translate the Bible into the Hmar language. One of his sons was Rochunga (now Dr. Pudaite). At ten years old, Ro knew that God wanted him to go to school. He traveled 96 miles through the jungle to get to school, a six day journey. Ro continued his education in England and then did his graduate work at Wheaton College. He translated the Bible, and then went back to India and saw the need for education so people could read the Bible, so he and his wife started over 60 schools and 300 churches in Northeast India. The members of the choir are from these schools.

“After seeing the transforming power that God’s Word had on his tribe, Dr. Ro founded BFTW as an organization that prints and mails Bibles all over the world. BFTW also has a large child sponsorship program that allows sponsors in America to team up with children in Northeast India and pay for their education. The India Children’s Choir travels to promote the child sponsorship program, as well as the other ministries of BFTW. The choir is made up of 22 children, ages 7-11. They are auditioned from almost 500 children that try out each year. The choir is in the United States for almost 11 months and on tour for 10 of those months. During that time the choir performs the musical “Headhunters to Hearthunters”, the story of how God’s Word transformed their tribe. This year’s choir will perform around 250 times in almost 30 states. More information about BFTW can be found at ... Thank you for all your work, and we really enjoyed our visit to the museum.”


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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