Breaking records at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on July 1, 2007

Over 3100 people today--the biggest Saturday since opening at the Creation Museum. We continue to receive rave reviews. Mally and I were at a local restaurant tonight, and a man and his daughter saw me there and told me they were staying at the hotel across the road and going to the Museum on Sunday afternoon. He was looking for a church for the morning and I told him I happened to be preaching at a local church, so he'll be coming! Lots of visitors to the area are staying in hotels, at RV parks, etc,. which is good for the local area.


It's great that people have "problems" like the following with Answers Magazine:

To the Editor, There is one problem with Answers magazine. There is too much to read in one sitting! Yes, I cannot put it down once I pick it up and I read it cover to cover. Keep up the good work.

We've have never hidden the fact that one of the main purposes of the Creation Museum is to reach the lost with the gospel. Here is some feedback about the evangelistic nature of the Museum:

My family visited the museum last weekend. We were thoroughly impressed with the attention to detail and stunning displays. Most of all, though, we were pleasantly surprised that you did not try to overwhelm with countless facts and figures to support the creation model, but provided a strong foundation for a young-earth biblical view while aiming every exhibit squarely at evangelizing the lost. You resisted the temptation of getting too caught up in the academic debates to effectively communicate the gospel message, which is greatly to your credit - and makes the museum more appealing to a general audience. Those that still have questions about the academic/scientific issues have access to plenty of resources through the bookstore and your website. Thank you for striking a good balance, and for maintaining focus on using the creation/evolution debate to point people toward the ultimate relevance of Christ!

Recently we provided some resources free for a pastor in Japan (Keep in mind that in Japan, less than 0.1% are Christians). He was so overjoyed and wrote me this kind note--it is also a reminder to pray for this pastor and the small Christian work in such a needy country:

We got books and DVDs from AiG this week. Thank you for giving us these amazing various and precious materials for free. These are beyond my expectation that such amazing materials about the Creator are published from AiG. I feel spiritual jealous that many scientists standing on the creation work for God in your country and that their knowledge is expanding to churches and the public in your country. We want to translate these books into Japanese, and to share these with many many Japanese, too. I pray that may the Lord accomplish His work through AiG more and more, and open the gate for world evangelism, and that also the gospel be preached around the world. The Lord bless the unity between your works and staff's faith.
Today (Sunday) morning and evening I will be speaking at Big Bone Baptist church in Northern Kentucky.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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