What do "Mad Ken Ham," "Idiots" and "Sour Kraut Pope" have in common?

by Ken Ham on June 5, 2007

They all occurred in an article in Ireland that you will want to read. Part of it is reproduced below:

And the Lord didst create idiots, and lo he saw it was terrible...

By Ian O'Doherty

It's quite charming, really, in a sort of half-baked, deranged, fundamentalist and potentially dangerous manner.

Last week saw the eagerly awaited unveiling of the Creation Museum in Kentucky, and the man we can thank for its inception - the famously mad anti-evolutionist Ken Ham, President of the 'Answers In Genesis' lobby group - was happy to trumpet that the museum would finally provide irrefutable proof that evolution is a lie and that "the Book of Genesis is true from the first word to the last".

It's an absurd notion which, even more absurdly, is now being given more credence than any time in living memory . . . It's worrying that in 2007, people who make the Flat Earth Society look like pinnacles of rational thought feel comfortable . . . And it's not just mad men like Ham and his acolytes who believe this. In fact, if that were the case, we could simply dismiss them with a shrug of the shoulders and a laugh at their expense . . . Not surprisingly, old Sour Kraut himself, Pope Benedict, denounces evolution as "a new religion", and rather charmingly accuses those scientists and rationalists who believe in it as "dangerously blinkered" which, coming from a Catholic pope who was once in the Hitler Youth, is probably something of a compliment . . . For instance, did you know that man co-existed happily with dinosaurs in the pre-Flood years and that all dinosaurs were harmless vegetarians? Did you know that in the pre-Flood years, no plants had thorns? In fact, God added thorns to plants in the years after the Flood, to prick the fingers of the chosen people.

So, there you have it - Godzilla was more like Barney the Dinosaur and the supreme creator of the Universe is actually a cunning prankster who invented thorns on plants because he wanted Jews to cut themselves while they were picking roses. Or something.

Either way, I'm off to Kentucky for my holidays, because while the Museum itself sounds rubbish, can you imagine how delightfully bonkers the people who visit it will be?

Read the rest.

Well I thought that was enough for my blog for today!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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