Name-calling against Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on May 20, 2007

In an emotionally charged negative article against the Creation Museum, a scientist who has not visited the museum, has not read any of the teaching signs, nor seen any of the videos, wrote an opinion piece for the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper, in which he used the following terms regarding the Creation Museum exhibits: “scientific fraud,” “lies,” “a travesty,” “false,” “misguided,” “misinformation,” “colossal unreason,” “hypocritical,” “misrepresent,” “bad science,” “manifestly false,” and “religiously motivated fraud.”

The evolutionist who wrote this vitriolic piece was Lawrence M. Krauss, director of the Center for Education and Research in Cosmology and Astrophysics at Case Western Reserve University, as well as the chair of the Forum on Physics and Society of the American Physical Society.

As is typical of many professors at secular universities, he tries to scare the public against creation scientists by using emotionally charged language. This clearly shows the bias of such scientists against the Bible. They don’t care what scientific research/facts AiG’s PhD scientists have included in the museum exhibits, because the Creation Museum is set up to tell people the Bible’s history in Genesis is true. Krauss, because he only allows naturalistic explanations in science for the origin of life, will not even consider anything creation scientists say or write. Maybe the students Krauss is in charge of at the university should write their research papers the same way Krauss has researched the Creation Museum teaching exhibits! Of course, if they did that, they would fail! But their professors can get away with such an unscientific approach when used against Christians.

You can read this article for yourself at the Enquirer website.

We finished up at the AiG conference in the Washington DC area. On Sunday morning, I speak twice at the host church. I will spend the next two days in New York and Washington DC doing a LOT of media interviews.


On Saturday, AiG received official occupancy for the Creation Museum. I’ve included photographs of this historic event showing the local authorities with Mike Zovath (VP in charge of museum construction) and Leroy LaMontagne (director of fabrication), and Patrick Marsh (museum exhibit designer) as the occupancy certificate was handed over.

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We praise the Lord for this historic event just over one week before the museum opens to the public. Praise the Lord with us.


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