Creation Museum is front page news again

by Ken Ham on March 12, 2007

The Kentucky Enquirer newspaper had a very positive front page story about the Creation Museum on Sunday. The story (with photographs) began:

Creation Museum growing Bigger lobby, extra space being added for exhibits BY RYAN CLARK PETERSBURG - Even though it's not scheduled to open for another 11 weeks, the Creation Museum in Boone County is already expanding. Originally planned for a cost of $25 million with 50,000 square feet devoted to the museum, officials say they are adding square footage, to more than 60,000, for a total price of $27 million. The additions will not change the expected opening of the privately funded museum, scheduled for May 28, said Mark Looy, chief communications officer and co-founder of Answers in Genesis, the Boone County-based organization which promotes the literal biblical telling of the world's creation. Looy said studies project crowds even larger than earlier estimated, which resulted in the decision to expand the museum lobby, café and two exhibits. The lobby was given an extra 7,000 square feet, the café was doubled, and two exhibits were redesigned over two stories, to take advantage of 40-foot-high ceilings. The nearly 100,000-square-foot complex will also house the offices and headquarters for Answers in Genesis.
You can read the entire story at the Enquirer website.


Today I spoke four times at Calvary Chapel of Melbourne, Florida (see photograph). During one of the services, I was on Video at a “Video Church” called Calvary Chapel of Viera. I had so many testimonies, including three different salvation testimonies. One lady told me her husband came to Christ through the Lord using AiG. Another told me he came to Christ through a video series I did, and MANY in his family have been led to Christ as a result. Another young man told me he came to Christ through the work of AiG.


The last talk I gave was on the origin of races, racism, etc. I had so many people tell me what a timely and needed message this is for the American church. We sent down five pallets of books and DVDs—and there wasn’t much left at the end! I praise the Lord so many resources have now be spread through the community! And just about everyone who spoke to me said they can’t wait to come to the Creation Museum.

By the time you read this, Mally and I will be on our way home. This week I have to record another 45 radio programs, and then our board of directors comes in for a three-day meeting—what a group of godly men the Lord has raised up for the governance of this ministry. Please pray for them as they have many decisions to make and plan with the leadership team for the future. I really do praise the Lord that our board of directors stands on the authority of God’s Word and that they earnestly seek wisdom from the Lord as the oversee this growing ministry.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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