"Silicon valley" hears about Creation Museum

on February 12, 2007

The San Jose Mercury News, a paper which serves the high-tech so-called “Silicon Valley” area of California, printed an article about Evolution Sunday. This paper, which has a national reputation included a section in the article about the Creation Museum. I was interviewed by a reporter for this paper last week. The article states:

In May, the nation’s first Creation Museum is set to open in Ohio. Founder Ken Ham said it was important to open the $27 million building because the natural science museums propagandize evolution. His group takes issue, for instance, with museum time lines declaring that dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. Some Christians believe the world is only about 6,000 years old. At the Creation Museum, the dinosaurs will be much younger.
Magazine launched
Last year, Ham’s group also launched Answers magazine, which promotes Genesis—the biblical version of how the Earth was created in six days. So far, he said, the magazine has 50,000 subscribers. Ham is impatient with those who read Genesis metaphorically instead of accepting it as God’s literal truth. If one questions the very first chapter of the Bible, he says, they are undermining everything that follows. “What you believe about where you came from affects your whole worldview,” he said.
That unquestioning attitude baffles Robert Stephens, a retired cell biologist who has been organizing Darwin Day events to celebrate the scientist, whose work is at the center of the debate.

You can read the entire article at the Mercury News website.


The son (Evan) of two staff members did something really unique to promote the Creation Museum (and obviously witnesses to teacher and students):

When Evan heard that his 4th grade class was going to be doing a diorama of a “destination spot” in Kentucky, he knew immediately what he wanted to do: the Creation Museum. First, the parents sent an email to his homeroom teacher to make sure that he could in fact do it. The teacher’s examples were Mammoth Cave, Natural Bridge, etc.

The parents stated:

We were told that it was a project to be done on a place that anybody can visit in KY, and if Evan approached it in that way, then he could do it. Evan was so excited to have the opportunity to present the museum to his classmates! He worked very hard finding just the right images for the inside of his box. (If you look closely, You can guess who that is with Evan standing in the museum lobby!) As extra-credit, the students were able to write a report and give a presentation to their class. Evan is somewhat shy, but he really wanted to tell his friends about the museum, so he decided to not only to do his diorama, but also to do the extra-credit. Parents and other family members were invited to the presentations in the school’s library. There were probably 25–30 adults and both 4th grade classes (We’re guessing 40–50 kids). When Evan got up, he told how the Creation Museum will take you through the 7 C’s of biblical history. He told them about the different museum displays, animatronics, planetarium and walking trails. When he was done, he walked around and showed his project to the parents and his classmates. Afterwards he had a couple of people come up to him and tell him that after his talk, they now want to visit the Creation Museum. When we asked Evan his reason for choosing the museum, he said that he hopes some of his classmates and their parents who don’t understand creation might visit, and through their experience come to know the Lord. Now the dioramas are all on display in the school’s front lobby display case.

I have attached a photograph of Evan as he presents his talk with the diorama and a close up of the diorama. Congratulations Evan, great work!

Well today I arrived home from Arkansas. As I went through security at the XNA airport, one of the security personnel recognized me and told me how much the AiG ministry means to their family. A little later on, this person found me waiting at the gate and said she specially wanted to come and tell me how much her children have benefited from the curricula they purchased from AiG.

On Monday, one of the big Christian radio stations in Ohio is coming for a walk through the museum, recording me as we walk through. They will use this to promote the Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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