AiG conference in Texas

by Ken Ham on February 1, 2007

I am currently in Texas with Dr. Terry Mortenson and Buddy and Kay Davis for our first major AiG conference this year. I have to get up VERY early Friday morning for a live TV Interview on the CBS affiliate (I also did a live interview Thursday night during their prime time news hour). I then rush to a secular radio station for an interview on a talk show. Then I go to Calvary Baptist Church for the K-6 school program—to back to the secular radio station for another interview—then the evening program at the church! You can find out more details concerning this AiG conference at our events page.

Forbidden Fruit at AiG

Forbidden Fruit Forbidden Fruit

Every detail in regard to the Creation Museum is thought through carefully. Recently staff got together to design the Forbidden Fruit. The attached photographs are of some fruit under consideration.

Sweet and Sauer for Lunch!

Sweet and Sauer

It was too good to be true. Like the planets all lining up. Larry Sweet (see photograph—he is on the left), a contract worker at the museum, and Dick Sauer (an AiG volunteer for more than 12 years) happened to be sitting at the same table in AiG's Noah's Café for lunch on Thursday. As they introduced themselves to each other, one of the AiG staff at the table who was listening in (a known punster) exclaimed: "Sweet and Sauer ... for lunch!" No, Larry and Dick didn't eat sweet and sour chicken -- that would have been too perfect. But it got me to thinking: I will alert our café staff to think about preparing such a sweet and sour meal, and then Larry and Dick would be my guests for that special lunch! (Just imagine how my blog would read on THAT day!)

360 Booked on AiG Alaskan Cruise

Bookings keep coming in every day. We can take up to 400 bookings at the special group price we received, unless the ship sells out first (which they tell us is very possible at the rate bookings are coming in). So if you want to come to Alaska with us on a cruise—take a look at the event page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying (and please especially pray for the AiG conference in Beaumont Texas)

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