Weekend features

by Ken Ham on December 17, 2006

Those new to Answers in Genesis or unfamiliar with our many other outreaches may not already know this, but we have two features on the weekend that may be helpful to you for sharing with others—sometimes the weekend is a better time for others to catch up on email and reading.

There are, of course, our weekly emailed newsletters, which share a new, intriguing question every week and keep you up-to-date on ministry news and events, and our “new” News to Note, which covers the past week’s headline news of relevance to Answers in Genesis, creation/evolution, and scriptural authority. Here is an excerpt from this week’s News to Note about some recent coverage of the Creation Museum:

1. BBC NEWS: Creation museum pushes true history—From the UK comes yet another article on AiG’s Creation Museum, which has been drawing increasing attention even though it won’t be officially open until late in the Spring.

The article, although managing to portray the museum accurately on the whole, still fails to hide the author’s anti-creationist bias—especially at the end:

Despite adopting the structure and technology of the most extravagant science museum, it remains that none of it is remotely plausible without first accepting Genesis.

Without taking that leap and rejecting centuries of scientific reasoning, it all resembles just another Disney-style magic kingdom.

And sadly, the author furthers the falsehood that there is no mention of dinosaurs anywhere in the Bible, apparently unaware of passages such as Job 40:15–24 that almost certainly refer to dinosaurs (see Dinosaurs and the Bible for details).

Even so, the author points out that “[w]herever you stand on the [creation vs. evolution] debate, it is impossible not to be impressed by the effort that has gone into constructing the $27m (£13.5m) museum.” We heartily agree! The article also quotes Answers in Genesis supporter Dr. Michael Sherwin and resident AiG geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom. And despite the author’s bias and misstatement on dinosaurs, we are glad more and more people are becoming aware of the Creation Museum.

And stay tuned, because the News to Note on December 30 will be a brief overview of the whole year. We trust you’ll find it beneficial holiday reading.

And as always, keep praying! And speaking of praying—praise the Lord—we have passed our goal of 450 praying and fasting for us this year! And it’s not too late for you to sign up, but please remember to also sign up again shortly after the first of the year for 2007.

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