AiG tackles some of life's most difficult questions

by Ken Ham on December 9, 2006

Guest blog—Dr. Tommy Mitchell, AiG speaker

I wanted to report on a series of meetings that Answers in Genesis has offered at Calvary Baptist Church in Covington, Kentucky. The church reserved three Wednesday nights to explore “Life and Death Issues.” The church leadership believes these issues are particularly relevant in our society at this time. Naturally, our ministry was eager to be a part of these sessions, always connecting the Bible to the real world.

Two weeks ago, I spoke to several hundred very attentive people about “Cloning and Stem Cells.” We explored the issues surrounding the use of adult and embryonic stem cells. I took time to lay a scriptural foundation for the study of this most controversial subject. We are, indeed, made in God’s image. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. As we progressed, I explained some rather complicated scientific issues. After the talk, several people told me that they finally understood this issue because “the way you explained it made it make sense!”

This past Wednesday night, I had to discuss a much more somber topic: “Suicide and Euthanasia.” After the presentation, a number of people came up to tell me of family members or friends who had committed or attempted suicide. One of the older members of the congregation came by to tell of struggles he had with someone who told him that he should just put his bed-ridden, nursing-home wife “out of her misery.” My heart went out to him as he told me that he was going to care for her “until God calls her home.” What a witness he has!

I praise God for a church such as this. There is a real desire here to have sound biblical answers to the issues of the day. Christians must maintain a strong presence in these discussions in our society. Our positions must always be based on the firm foundation of Scripture, and not on man’s fallible opinion.

I will be concluding this series next Wednesday night. Our topic then will be “Evolution and Medicine.” If you’re in the area, we would love to have you join us.

God Bless,


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