Guest blog from one of AiG's newest speakers

by Ken Ham on December 5, 2006

Guest blog--Dr. Tommy Mitchell, AiG speaker

Well, I’m finally here! After what has seemed to be an eternity (more like millions of years, I suppose) I have moved to Kentucky to begin my full-time association with Answers in Genesis. For the past 20 years I have been practicing medicine, and now the Lord has opened the door for me to enter full time service with AiG. I thank Him for placing this opportunity in my path and pray that He will give me the strength and wisdom to serve Him in my new position.

As I have been in preparation for this transition, I am reminded of how much the ministry has grown over the years. It seems only yesterday that AiG was located in a small strip mall with just a few employees. Today with so many talented people serving here and the prospect of the Creation Museum opening late next spring, it is mind boggling to consider what the Lord has done and how much this ministry has been blessed over the last 10 years. At the same time I am aware of how much responsibility that places on each of us here. We must daily search our hearts and dedicate ourselves to wholly serving our Lord. Nothing that happens here or anything we do has any meaning unless it is done to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the dedication of all who are a part of this organization.

Also, I am thankful for our supporters. Without the prayers of those who believe in and have been blessed by our ministry, we could not continue. Many, many families and individuals have given sacrificially in order that we might take our message all over the world. Our Creation Museum would not be on the way to completion without their generosity.

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to write, call, or e-mail me as I begin in earnest as a full-time speaker here. Your words of encouragement are most appreciated. God bless you all.

Here at AiG we get a lot of encouraging feedback. This came in last week:

We just want to encourage you guys, the newsletter is great. Could you also pass our thanks to the store staff, order arrived here in Tasmania, Australia safe and sound, thanks. When will we see more DVD's like Front Porch Gospel? Great work Buddy & Kay nearly as good as having you with us.

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